14 Proven Tips to Help You Become an Actor

Acting is a lucrative career that can help you make good money and live a great life. However, before you land your first leading role for a huge movie, you have to go through a long and tedious process. The fourteen tips mentioned below will make this journey easier for you – keep reading!

1.      Start with formal education

Formal education can give you a head start as an actor. As an aspiring actor, if you don’t belong to a big city, it’s better to start developing your career from the basics.

Joining formal classes gives you direct exposure to proven tips and tricks. You get to work with professional actors, which makes you familiar

Take a look at drama schools in your area and choose the most reputed one. Don’t skip your classes if you want to speed up your learning process.

2.      Don’t move out of your city

You might consider moving to a big city to get more access to opportunities. Keep in mind that moving to a big city doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get instant access to new chances.

You will find a ton of opportunities living in a small city. Instead of making a hasty decision of moving out, you should try your luck in your area. Gain exposure in your city and then move out as you develop your portfolio.

3.      Join community theaters

Source: statista.com


Joining a theater is a great option to get exposure. You will get the chance to sharpen your acting skills and connect with other aspiring actors.

Many famous actors have come from theaters across the years. Performing at a theater will let you understand how actors use this platform to get famous.

A common misconception about theaters is that actors don’t get money working at theaters. However, you can make good money if you get a bit famous.

4.      Make yourself familiar with the industry

Being an aspiring actor requires you to understand the industry’s ins and outs. Instead of reading and practicing acting skills, you should allocate a certain part of the day to learn how the film and drama industry works.

Start your journey by reading on topics like how to create a budget for a film. Make sure you study how filmmakers market their movies, as it will help you understand the financial dynamics of the industry.

5.      Find your strengths

Getting a good role is easier once you portray certain skills that make you different. For example, you might have a special ability like delivery of voice that differentiates you from fellow actors.

Focusing on your specific strength will boost your confidence. Directors will know why they have to cast you in their next project based on your ability. The more time you spend sharpening your strength, the easier it’ll be for you to get famous.

6.      Get help from an agent

It can get hard to sharpen your acting skills and build connections with decision-makers simultaneously. Instead of deciding not to follow your passion because things get hard, it’s better to start working with an agent.

Skilled agents in the film industry can link you up with influential people. Your agent will help you land a role without spending a ton of time.

7.      Join a community

You have to grow your network and protect your rights as an actor to get ahead. Joining a performers’ union is a simple way to help you achieve these goals.

You don’t have to target leading unions for actors like SAG as a beginner. Instead, a better option is to look for local communities made for aspiring actors like you. Joining such a community will give you access to better options within the industry.

8.      Go for auditions regularly

Sitting in your home won’t help you land a leading role in a movie or a drama. You have to get outside and show up at auditions to achieve your goals.

You might be worried about going to an auction if you’ve never been to one before. But keep in mind that becoming an actor is all about increasing your self-esteem.

Going to an audition without proper practice and getting rejection will shatter your confidence. Make sure you study your craft before heading out to give an audition.

9.      Market your skills

Opportunities will not come knocking at your doors if you don’t make an effort. Amp up your marketing skills to ensure that you get your goals without wasting your time and effort. Here are some tips to help you market your skills:

  • Build your website.
  • Publish a press release.
  • Get help from social media.
  • Sharpen your networking skills.

10. Don’t fear rejections

Getting rejections is normal for aspiring actors. You will have to work smart before landing your dream role in a movie or a drama serial. Be open to embracing rejections, and don’t take things to your heart. Build resilience so you can earn your place in the industry.

11. Think about your resume

You need a resume as an actor to land your favorite job. Along with learning new skills, you should also develop your resume to find jobs easily. Your resume should include the projects you’ve worked on as an actor and other skills linked to the industry, like your writing or management skills.

12. Your demo reel

Source: medium.com/@sukeshgtambi

Creating a demo reel can help you sum up and present your portfolio in a short time. Your demo reel should be a “commercial” of the skills you’ve developed over the years. Having an attractive demo reel and a strong resume will allow you to land acting jobs easily.

13. Study ads/films/dramas

The best way to learn about the industry is by examining famous media like movies and TV serials. Learn what makes an actor famous and how different actors use techniques to earn respect from their viewers. Don’t ignore famous commercials as they can also help you learn a lot about viewers’ psychology.

14. Connect with other actors

You can only learn more about acting if you link up with other actors. Join social media forums of aspiring actors to get valuable information about how you can excel in the industry. Don’t be shy to ask for tips from other actors, so you can plan your career properly.

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