Experience the captivating journey of Twinless, a film that explores themes of grief, love, and friendship in a unique and compelling way.
Movie & TV Reviews
Discover the inspiring documentary GEN_ and meet Dr. Maurizio Bini, a groundbreaking medical professional challenging conservative norms.
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Grafted – a body horror film that explores themes of beauty, standards, and the dark side of popularity.
While ‘Flight Risk’ has suspenseful moments, scene-stealing comedy and punchy performances, it loses its power because of the sloppy CGI.
Experience the thrill of Bystanders, a unique slasher film that explores the moral ambiguity of bystander complicity.
Uncover the captivating story of how ABC Sports aired the ‘Munich massacre’ on September 5, 1972.
Discover the thought-provoking exploration of assisted suicide and the concept of dying with dignity in The Room Next Door.
One of Them Days is genuinely hilarious from beginning to end. It elicits the most laughs you’ve experienced in years and should be championed as a new classic for the culture.