’21 Jump Street’ 4K UHD Blu-Ray Review – Incredibly Funny Update Shines In 4K UHD

When it comes to adapting a television show into a feature film, there are many different approaches you can take that might yield positive results. You can choose to stay fairly faithful to the tone of the series while bringing along the regular cast members, such as the majority of the Star Trek films. Some might choose to strip any trace of levity from the story and make something really intense and gritty such as Michael Mann’s Miami Vice. Then you might have what might be the most popular path; making a largely dramatic series into a comedy. Films such as Dragnet and Starsky and Hutch showed that the police procedural was a genre that was ripe for big screen comedy success. Perhaps it should not have been a surprise when it was announced that Sony was developing a comedy film based on the late 80s television show 21 Jump Street starring Johnny Depp. We have learned that studios will dust off just about any intellectual property, but no one quite expected how great the movie would end up being. The film was a huge box office and critical success, and it boosted the careers for many involved. With the release of this new 4K UHD Blu-Ray, let’s take a look back at what made it so great. 

In this update of the classic show, we have officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum), two high school classmates who had very different experiences during their formative years. Schmidt was an awkward geek who could not get the time of day from popular girls. Jenko was a popular jock who barely graduated with his failing grades. After reconnecting in the police academy and becoming friends, the two are sent out into the world as partners. After a calamitous bust nearly ends their young careers, they are sent to a special undercover program called Jump Street where their baby faces will be the key to their success. The program specializes in taking officers and sending them undercover as high school students to suss out all manner of crime. Their tough new boss, Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), assigns them to a local high school that has been a hotbed of activity for a new synthetic drug that has already caused at least one death. Armed with new identities as brothers, the pair must get in close with the dealers to find out the supplier, all while not getting kicked out of school. 

The comedic chemistry between Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum is something truly wondrous to behold. The world was already well aware that Jonah Hill could put on a masterful comedic performance, but, at this time, it was uncertain whether or not the guy from Step Up and G.I. Joe would be able to carry his weight. As we now know, Tatum is built for comedy, and Hill is the perfect complement to his abilities. The scenario is so absurd at its core, but the movie never really leads you to believe otherwise. When their secret identities are mixed up within moments of them arriving at school, the comedic board is set to watch these two play outside their comfort zone. Watching the formerly failing Jenko try to wrap his head around covalent bonds in “App” Chemistry is such a delight. Likewise, Schmidt is forced to try to get in with the cool kids to get closer to the drug source. When these two embark on a different kind of high school experience, you get a fun mixture of hilarious character growth and some emotional moments of strained friendship. This film is mostly gunning for the laughs, but do not be afraid to let the touching displays of friendship impact you if it strikes just right. 

Tatum and Hill are joined by an absolute powerhouse ensemble that will have you crying from laughter. On the police side of things, we have the previously mentioned Ice Cube pretty much stealing the movie with his over the top anger. Nick Offerman also makes an appearance as the Chief in which he delivers his classic deadpan humor. Over at the school we have comedy favorites like Rob Riggle, Chris Parnell, Ellie Kemper and Jake Johnson filling out the faculty. Every single one of them have key moments to shine, but Kemper (The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) proves to be a stealth favorite of mine. Future Captain Marvel herself Brie Larson and Dave Franco are excellent in their roles as students that lead to the heart of the case. All of this talent would be wasted if we did not have the incredible Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs) at the helm. Their manic exuberance and offbeat humor in the animation field proved to be exactly what this particular franchise needed to thrive. The script from Michael Bacall and Jonah Hill strikes just the right tone while packing in an absurd amount of jokes-per-minute. 21 Jump Street is simply drop-dead hilarious while providing some really exciting action in this perfect start to an unexpected franchise. 

Video Quality

The 4K UHD Blu-Ray of 21 Jump Street offers a solid uptick in quality over the already strong accompanying Blu-Ray, even if the difference is not night and day. The greatest gain is in the employment of the color spectrum. The HDR transforms the film from a more flat affair to a vibrant journey through high school. The highlights in the film are more defined with whites more pure and balanced with no instances of blooming to be found. Elements such as flames and clothing seem more brilliant and true-to-life in their color contrast. The black levels are especially strong in this presentation, staying deep and inky with great detail. Skin tones appear way more natural with healthy doses of fine detail apparent on faces such as pores. Expect a decent boost in sharpness in the picture, but the vast improvement in color is where this disc wows. This is a very natural looking transfer that offers up a wonderful presentation that should please fans of the film. 

Audio Quality

This disc comes equipped with an incredibly dynamic Dolby Atmos presentation that offers a noticeable improvement of the 5.1 Blu-Ray presentation. From the beginning, you can tell this is going to be a worthwhile track as the mixture of the powerful soundtrack along with the bustling of the high school hallways employs excellent engagement in all of the channels. Sounds are appropriately rendered with precise directionality from the more active scenes to the more commonplace dialogue-driven content. Ambient details are plentiful and quite satisfying in the rear and overhead channels. The film employs many fun musical cues, including a popular NWA song as an ode to Ice Cube, that envelopes the room when appropriate. Dialogue is presented perfectly clear without ever being overwhelmed by any of the competing sonic elements. Heavy gunfire and explosions provide an all-encompassing soundscape that kicks in throughout all the speakers. The low end gets a real nice workout that should appropriately disturb the neighbors. The mix here is very well done and makes for an exciting listen throughout.

Special Features


  • Trailers: This disc includes the previously excluded Theatrical Trailer, Red Band Trailer and International Trailer A & B. These give away too many of the jokes, especially the Red Band Trailer, but there are a couple interesting differences between jokes in the trailer and the final product. 



  • Audio Commentary: Directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are joined by Actors Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum to provide an incredibly entertaining track that you must listen to if you are a fan of the film. This track is packed with behind-the-scenes tidbits including alternate lines, fainting extras, partying with Ellie Kemper and more. 
  • Deleted Scenes:  Thirty minutes of deleted and extended scenes are included here which delivers many more funny moments with Ice Cube, Chris Parnell, Dakota Johnson, Jake Johnson, Ellie Kemper and more. There’s so much hilarious stuff here that is worth checking out. 
  • Gag Reel: Five minutes of flubbed lines, giggle fits, civilian interference, stunt mishaps and more. Nick Offerman steals the show with his wild improv. Always one of my favorite features. 
  • Cube-O-Rama: Two minutes of alternate line readings from Ice Cube that are really, really funny. 
  • Back To School: An eight-minute featurette in which the cast and crew discuss the development of the film as a way to relive high school, how the landscape of high school has changed in the modern age and more. This is worth it for the humorous asides throughout. 
  • Brothers In Arms: A six-minute look at the dynamic between Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. The pair have such a fun chemistry and their friendship warms your heart. Also, you get a chance to see Tatum show off his impressive gun skills. 
  • Johnny Depp On Set: A five-minute look at Johnny Depp returning to the role in an unrecognizable way. It is fun to hear Depp’s conditions for returning to the role and how other actors responded to being in a scene with him. 
  • The Rob Riggle Show: Nine minutes of cast and crew appreciation for the incredible Rob Riggle. Jonah Hill especially seems enamored by Riggle, and you can see why through this mixture of clips and behind-the-scenes footage. 
  • Peter Pan On The Freeway: A four-minute look at the making of the freeway scene complete with goofy moments and a look into what goes into actually shutting down a freeway. 


Final Thoughts

21 Jump Street is one of those special films that get placed in the rarified air of all-time great comedies. The kind of film that you quote with your friends for years on end. Even once you have watched it, the jokes still hit you just as hard the next time while you pick-up on more subtle jokes you missed out on previous viewings. This new 4K UHD Blu-Ray offers up a truly spectacular A/V presentation that serves as a nice upgrade, especially in the audio department. Those who love well-implemented High Dynamic Range will greatly appreciate the greater depth of color offered up here. While the Blu-ray is very good, those considering an upgrade or a first-time purchase should pull the trigger on the 4K UHD Blu-Ray. Highly Recommended 

21 Jump Street  is currently available to purchase on 4K UHD Blu-Ray and Digital. 

Note: Images presented in this review are not reflective of the image quality of the 4K UHD Blu-Ray.

Disclaimer: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has supplied a copy of this disc free of charge for review purposes. All opinions in this review are the honest reactions of the author.

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