Academic Essay Writing Pattern & Style

Essay writing is considered to be a difficult task for a student. Whether the essay is students classwork or a professional’s job, is often taken to be overwhelming. Essay needs a specific discipline to write. Essay is a piece of writing discussing a thesis, proved by the writer with examples, personal experience and sharing experience of learned, experienced and skilled people in their fields. Ask from your writer to write my essay and find the well written essays according to planned sequence. There are seven steps to write an essay.

Pick the topic

If you have assigned different topics and you have select one of them, select the topic you have sufficient knowledge to write the essay. Short and ambiguous information, having no clarity will not considered to be good for essaywriting. You must be cleared on the topic. If you have not assigned a topic, and you have to write essay in accordance with your choice, now you are free to write on the subject you have sufficient approach on. If you are assigned a topic, you should think about the material you have to produce. But in most of the cases there is a multiplechoice,that makes it easier to write according to your desire.

To prepare an outline

Outline is a basic structure in essay writing . There are two objectives of writing an outline. First in the case of classwork, student is checked, how much knowledge he has and how he has ability to arrange this knowledge with a specific discipline. As the person has more clarity on the subject, he can keep in his mind with a proper discipline. If you are not clear in your ideas, you will not be able to keep in an proper order. The second objective is to make it easy while writing.


After writing an outline third step is to write the introduction. This is the place where you are going to introduce the objective of your writing, what is the goal of your discussion. Introduction should be in very lucid form, easily understand by the reader. It is the job of the writer, how he makes understand the purpose of his writing. Brief introduction should be produced. A lengthy and ambiguous introduction with mixed views makes the reader confused, and takes he no interest on the topic, resulting he leaves it without reading.


Body is main organ in essay writing. Here you have to express your ideas one by one. You should divide this area in four or five paragraphs. Every paragraph should be allocated for one idea.

Concluded Paragraph

Now the time is to sum up your debate. Here you have to touch all the ideas concisely, yielding an allover result. There should be no new idea to produce here. Already discussed ideas, must be concluded in a very clear way. Your conclusion must be consist of three to five lines. Simply review your main points to make the reader understand the purpose of your essay writing.

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