Aquaman Director James Wan Waiting For Perfect Sequel Script Before Making a Deal

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”6719″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Most likely ten years ago, if you were to be told that a movie centered around Aquaman would go on to make $1.07 billion in the global box office, people would have laughed. But thanks to Jason Momoa and director James Wan, a new spin has been taken on the classic DC superhero and no one is laughing at the King of Atlantis. In fact, this movie is only $17 million dollars away from surpassing the Dark Knight Rises as the highest grossing DC movie and that is huge.

While everyone is waiting with bated breath for an announcement for a sequel, no worries. James Wan is taking a much-needed break to regroup after such an achievement, but his spokesperson says that he will take a deal if he’s given the right script. Wan is primarily known for his work in the horror genre such as Saw and he will also be working on Swamp Thing for DC Universe. So, he’ll still be working on DC projects, but Swamp Thing is more in his realm for horror projects than say Aquaman was.

People do feel a little nervous, considering Wan isn’t much for sequels:

“I think the sequel to Insidious is kind of my reaction to Saw, where for my own reason I wasn’t as involved in the sequels, and so I felt with Insidious, I think it would be good to shepherd it and keep it more in track to the vision I had when I made the first film so that it doesn’t detour too far. I never set out to make sequels to any of my films I direct. If they happen, that’s great because that means people out there love it and they want more of it. But I always felt with Insidious we created this really interesting world that we can explore more…”

He commented when asked about an Aquaman sequel,

“I’m superstitious about that.”

Will Wan be back? We can only hope, but I believe giving him time to breathe and not demanding him to rush is a great idea. Let a great script come alive and we’ll see Wan brilliantly work.

Source: Deadline[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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