As Kevin Feige Takes Over X-Men A New Wolverine Will Be Cast

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”14883″ img_size=”900×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The time of Disney taking over Fox is near and with that is the end of the current X-Men run. Soon, those properties will be under Disney and that means Marvel can finally introduce the mutants into the MCU. In a recent talk with Lauren Schuler Donner, the producer of the X-Men films since the first one; revealed that the future of these characters is up to Kevin Feige.

“That would be between Fox and Disney. Obviously, Kevin and I started the first one. He worked for me. He’s got a great story sense. He’s got a great ability to weave each world and weave those worlds together. I trust him and I trust that he will take care of the X-Men.”

This is different than the agreement with Sony, who also owns Marvel characters and is creating their own cinematic universe; where they’re essentially lending Spider-Man to Disney. So, Feige will have full control, which means the probability of recasting. This leads me into the next topic, which is that Disney will most likely want to bring Wolverine into the MCU faster than we thought.

“Yes,” she said. “I don’t know what Kevin’s thinking honestly. I don’t even think Kevin knows. I think Kevin’s still dealing with this wealth of characters and trying to make sense of them.” Schuler stated.

She continued:

“Yes, because Hugh, just the physicality of it all, just to bulk up. This man worked so hard to bulk up, would get up at four in the morning to bulk and eat protein meals every two hours because his natural state, they used to call him Worm when he was a kid. So his natural state is a very skinny guy. Once you reach a certain age, the body just won’t go anymore. I think he was wise to say, ‘I’m at that point. I can’t do it.’ Now, that doesn’t mean he can’t come back as older Wolverine. You never know. Future Wolverine, you never know.”

As far as films like any spin-offs or X-Force, it’s all in the hands of Disney. Let the speculation of who will don the claws as Logan in the MCU begin!

Source: Slash Film[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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