Author: Harry Reviews

The fact that this book does more in the way of tension, character development, action, and general storytelling than any of the 4 “Disney Owned” movies speaks volumes about how good Writer Timothy Zahn is and how excellently written the character of Thrawn is. Talking about this book would be difficult without mentioning spoilers so I’ll do a non-spoiler section where I discuss the general plot, characters, and the book’s connections to the wider Star Wars universe. Then I’ll dive into a spoilers section with fair warning to talk about some of the finer details. So with all that said let’s get…

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Jumping back into the city of Maine, and the less than graceful adventures of rookie superhero Geek Girl was still as fun, vibrant and colorful as the first issue but here it had a slightly slower pace and a little less action that hindered the enjoyment a little with a lack of thrills and fights. As always with my Comic Reviews, I’ll discuss the plot in a general sense, although to be honest there aren’t too many spoilers in issue #2, the characters, artwork, and its possibilities for adaptation onto the big screen. Now, With all that out of the…

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Coming back for the third installment in the Identity Stunt series, Sam’s story heats up with intense action, incredibly high stakes, and some impressive character building. Identity Stunt has always thrived off of its main character and its over-the-top action and in issue #3 both of those aspects are the standouts. As always with my comic reviews, I’ll be talking about the general plot, whilst avoiding spoilers, as well as the artwork, characters, and my thoughts on an adaptation for the big screen. So, with all that out the way lets get into this review of Identity Stunt #3. …

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