Comic Review: Geek Girl #2

Jumping back into the city of Maine, and the less than graceful adventures of rookie superhero Geek Girl was still as fun, vibrant and colorful as the first issue but here it had a slightly slower pace and a little less action that hindered the enjoyment a little with a lack of thrills and fights. As always with my Comic Reviews, I’ll discuss the plot in a general sense, although to be honest there aren’t too many spoilers in issue #2, the characters, artwork, and its possibilities for adaptation onto the big screen. Now, With all that out of the way, let’s get into this review of Geek Girl #2.



Issue #2 picks up with original Geek Girl Ruby waking up from a coma and discovering that her best friend Summer who isn’t as well equipped is standing in for her. The awkward tension and rising disdain between the friend’s district’s them from the increasing power of “The League” a rising criminal gang with more than enough firepower to cause Geek Girl some real problems. The issue is written by Sam Johnson, with artwork by Carlos Granda, Chunlin Zhao, and Paul Mclaren and it has highs and lows for me personally. I absolutely love the League. The looked cool when they were hinted at in issue 1 and to see them more fleshed out here is great. However, they are not the main focus of the issue. The majority, of it, boils down to the awkwardness shared by Ruby and Summer as both of them, want to be Geek Girl but there can only be one. This didn’t do a whole lot for me if I’m honest. I would much rather have seen more of the league rather than these 2 friends fighting. Don’t get me wrong, the execution is fine but as a concept, it didn’t do too much for me. The issue did have a pretty cool ending, however, which was a nice increase in pace for me. I stated in my issue #1 review it would be interesting to see Geek Girl face off against an enemy without her glasses, and her powers and that’s exactly what we got here. Seeing her powerless gave the character a nice vulnerability to her and it left the issue on an appropriate cliffhanger which hopefully promises more action in issue 3.


Geek Girl was still as likeable and bubbly here as she was in the first issue. That being Summer not Ruby. I still don’t know a whole lot about Ruby but that’s good because it intrigues me and gets me interested in her character and her version of Geek Girl. I’d be very interested in seeing both of them in action to compare and contrast the two. However, in issue #2 the elusive “League” steal the show. We still know very little about them other than some codenames and that their leader, Pig Head means business. They seem like the classic comic-book threat that’s lurking in the shadows whilst our hero deals with some smaller threats and I hope they come into the spotlight fully sooner rather than later.


I still love the artwork of Geek Girl because it feels so vibrant and bright. Even when nothing major is happening it still pops with color which really helps this comic out. The League looked fantastic here especially Pig Head. There is a reason they are the stars of the cover and other than looking great themselves they have some pretty cool looking tech and powers which, again gets me excited to see more of them in action in future issues.

Adapted for the Big Screen

Throughout this issue, when Ruby and Summer were dealing with them both being Geek Girl it actually reminded of the CW Supergirl show. That isn’t necessarily a fantastic thing for me personally but it did make me think that Geek Girl would work perfectly as a series rather than a feature-length movie. It has that sort of feel to it which is difficult to explain but if you’ve read Geek Girl you’ll know what I mean. I’d be pretty excited about a Geek Girl show but the comic page is where she shines, especially when the action starts because that is when Geek Girl is at its best.

Overall I still really enjoy Geek Girl even if I had some issues with this second issue. Summer herself is a fun, kind and very relatable hero and the League is shaping up to be a fantastic threat for her to face off against in the future. Huge thanks to Sam and the rest of the great guys over at Markosia for sending over a copy to review. Make sure to follow them over on Twitter if you’re interested in Geek Girl or any of their other great comics. You can also follow me and GeekVibesNation over on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news updates and reviews. Thanks for reading guys and I’ll catch you next time.

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