Mike continues his journey through the Nevernever with Harry Dresden in his twelfth adventure, Changes. Find out more inside!
Author: Mike Kerns
Mike continues Cosmere 2020 as he takes his first steps into the mists of “Era 2” of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series.
Mike talks about why he was driven to not only buy the complete series without ever reading a word by John Gwynne. Read more here!
Mike talks about upgrading from the Kindle Paperwhite to the Kindle Oasis and if it’s worth forking over the excess cash.
Mike continues his Into the Multiverse series by talking about the sixth published novel by Stephen King, 1980’s Firestarter.
Mike talks about his desire to read more female fantasy authors and a series from each he’s putting on his TBR.
Per viewer request, Mike does another live reading with instant reaction. This time, for the final two chapters of Jim Butcher’s Changes.
Mike concludes his Wheel of Time series by talking about his journey over the course of 400 days and gives non-spoiler reasons why you should consider reading it.
Mike continues his journey through the Nevernever with Harry Dresden in his eleventh adventure, Turn Coat. Read more here!
Mike continues his journey through the Nevernever with Harry Dresden in his tenth adventure, Small Favor. Read more here!