Avengers: Endgame Co-Directors Explain Why There’s No End-Credit Scene

One of the common trends for Marvel movies is the tradition of a post-end-credit scene. Throughout the years, fans have stayed until every name scrolled down the big screen to see what “goodies” were in store for them. In recent years, there’s even been mid-credit scenes. It has been such a common occurrence that memes are made for those who left early, aka right when the movie ended.

That is why people were so shocked to learn Avengers: Endgame didn’t have a post-credit scene. There were still people waiting patiently, despite being forewarned; because surely, after such a big movie, we needed a small hint of what was to come? But, alas there was no end-credit scene to tease the future or give us hope that maybe we’d see a certain character again and according to directors Joe and Anthony Russo, this was done on purpose.

“It was never in the cards,” Joe said. “It was called Endgame for a reason. This is it. This is the ending. The book is closed on that chapter of the Marvel universe and a new book will get written.”

Anthony commented on how much of a “great thrill” it is to actually close something out:

“This was the first Marvel movie we’ve done where we weren’t thinking about the future.”

Now, “there’s no future,” Anthony continued. “There will be a future, of course, but it’s not our responsibility.”

What do you think about the breaking of tradition and do you think that Marvel movies will be more inclined to exclude post-credit scenes or do you want them to pick the tradition back up? What are your hopes for the future of the MCU? Make sure to check out our non spoiler review of Avengers Endgame.

Source: SYFY

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