Avengers: Endgame Trailer Breakdown

So its finally here, Avengers 4, now confirmed to be Avengers: Endgame has blessed us with its first trailer and honestly its pretty damn perfect. It Showcases how each of our heroes is dealing with the fallout of Infinity War without giving away any details about the film’s plot and still leaving us asking more and more questions. That does make breaking this beast down a little tricky but I’m going to give it my best shot.

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The trailer starts off with a really somber and heartfelt moment when Tony touches his damaged Iron Man helmet and activates it to record a message for Pepper in case he doesn’t make it. I never thought the MCU would have the guts to kill off Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark but after this, I’m honestly not too sure. I highly doubt he’ll go out by simply being stranded in space but this is being set up for a final goodbye and thats a theme we see throughout this entire trailer.


This is followed up by a beautiful shot of what looks to be the Milano floating through space. If you weren’t sold on how lonely Tony was at the start this definitely does the job. It was assumed by most Tony and Nebula would make their way off Titan using the Milano and that seems to be confirmed by this trailer, the question is what has prevented Tony from reaching earth? Does Nebula simply not know the way? Are they lost? Are they out of fuel? If you were hoping to get more answers rather than questions you best get used to a whole lot of speculating coming up because this trailer tells us virtually nothing and that will most likely be a running theme through Endgames marketing.


The final shot of Tony in this trailer shows him looking out to space whilst he finishes his message to Pepper. His food and Water ran out days ago and his oxygen will be out by tomorrow so we know he not only hasn’t got long left but he’s been stranded in space for quite some time. I think I’m most intrigued to see how Tony will get home, and his reunion with Pepper and Steve, especially if the survivors believe him to be dead. A really nice touch was Tony tapping his helmet and Saying “I’ll dream of you. It was always you.” as he finishes his message to Pepper. I can’t help but wonder if he means Pepper or Iron Man in this final line but either way it’s incredibly heartwarming.


Not too much to say about this Marvel Studios Title Card other than I want to sue whoever made it for emotional trauma. Let’s move on.


Next up is easily the most beautiful shot of the entire trailer. Thano’s armor hung up in its scarecrow position from the end of Infinity War and ripped straight out of the comics. This is accompanied by a quick shot of his hand as he walks through a field and thats all we get of Thanos in this trailer. Less is definitely more here and the fact we don’t even see him is perfect. Infinity War was about Thanos. Endgame is about how our heroes deal with, adapt to and try to undo what he did. Thanos is easily the biggest force in this trailer and we don’t even see him. Thats impressive.


There’s a definite shift in the second half of this trailer as we transition to earth and the survivors of the battle of Wakanda. It feels more grounded and when it comes to the heroes reactions I feel there’s a little more weight to them.


The first shot we get of Steve in this trailer is him crying and looking down. Let that sink in. As someone who has always connected more with Tony rather than Steve, I felt a lot more for him than I expected to. You can tell he feels personally responsible for what happened and similar to Tony it feels like the start of the end. I doubt they’ll kill both of them off but I have a feeling it’ll be a guessing game right up until the movie releases.

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These next couple of shots show banner reflecting on the people they’ve lost to the snap, which is officially being called the “Decimation” within the MCU. We see Scott Lang, who we obviously know survived, Peter Parker, who obviously didn’t, and Shuri who’s fate was up to now unknown but she has now been confirmed to also be a victim of Thano’s snap.

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We get a couple of shots of Thor and Nebula. She is obviously on board the Milano but I’m unsure where Thor could be here. Most likely the Avengers base or possible Wakanda. I have to say Thor looks completly broken here, especially after his incredible show of power in both Ragnarok and Infinity War. Out of the three, he has certainly had the most heartache and I hope to see him deal with that after he failed to kill Thanos and get his revenge.

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Now we get easily the coolest part of the entire trailer. We finally get to see more of Clint who looks to have gone full-on Ronin, swapping his classic Hawkeye bow for a badass sword as he takes out criminals on the streets. There is a really big possibility that the criminals Clint is dealing with in this trailer are the Yakazu, which would be the first real connection between the Netflix shows and the Movies. A little bit bitter-sweet considering the recent cancelations but still a cool reference if it turns out to be true. Also, can we appreciate the look on Barton’s face? I would say he lost his entire family to the snap and now has just gone completely rogue. Whether Romanoff is there to reel him in or recruit him we’ll have to wait and see but I am very excited to see a lot more of Barton in the future.

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Drawing to the end of the trailer now we get a very heartfelt moment with Cap and Natasha as they look to be gearing up for some sort of mission, with Cap not only rocking the stealth suit but also giving his old picture of Peggy a last look. The line “I know it is because I don’t know what Im going to do if it doesn’t” hit me seriously hard the first time I watched this. Cap is desperate and that potential makes him a very dangerous man, the question is will we see what his desperation leads him to do?


We then get a title card finally giving us the films name; Avengers: Endgame. I personally love this name and loved the idea of it ever since strange said it in Infinity War. I could go on for hours about DR. Strange theories and the potential meaning of “Endgame” as a title but seen as this breakdown is already long enough I’ll save that for another time.

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The trailer finally ends with Scott Lang showing up at what I assume is the Avengers HQ to try and get Caps attention. This part of the trailer was definitely the part that left me with the most questions. First of all, did Scott really get over all of his friends dying at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp or does he not even know about them turning to dust? Secondly, how did he escape the Quantum Realm? Right now all we can really expect is a whole lot of speculation and educated guesses based off leaks but as for the trailer itself, it has done an excellent job of hyping up the movie, even if it didn’t really need more hype, without giving anything away.

As for people we didn’t see, we got no mention of Captain Marvel which wasn’t a surprise seen as we’ve seen plenty of her recently in her own trailers, as well as no Rhodes or Rocket either. It’s clear that the emphasis is on the original team from Avengers 2012 and there’s a definite “Passing of the torch” vibe to this already and I feel this will only get stronger as more trailers release and the promo run for the film begins. Until then we’ll just have to keep speculating and keep crying. Wait I’m not crying. You’re crying.

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