‘AVENGERS: ENDGAME’ Trailer Reaction and Theories

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”11445″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]I’m sure throughout the day today there will be many articles breaking down the AVENGERS: ENDGAME trailer that was finally dropped earlier this morning. While eventually, I’d love to do such an article, that isn’t what this article is. You’ve seen the trailer, or you should’ve if you’re reading this because it will contain HEAVY spoilers, so you know what’s going on, I don’t need to tell you. However, just like with everything else, everyone has their own individual reaction to something, and here’s mine for this beautiful clip.

So, we had been waiting for this since April, and luckily I had gotten up around 7:45am EST, to actually re-watch ANT MAN AND THE WASP. I had gotten on Twitter, and even tweeted out a tweet saying: “One. More. Hour. #A4” The time was 8:00am EST, and the tweeted loaded, another tweet popped up from The Russo Brothers account. “For those who have been here since the beginning. For those who have joined along the way. For the best fans in the Universe. This trailer is for you…With much love and gratitude for your patience, The RB’s” It had dropped. The day so many people had waited for was finally here. And boy did the clip attached to the tweet pack a punch. I immediately deleted my previous tweet and watched the trailer. Then, I began to tweet. 1st tweet: about 20 crying face emojis quoting the trailer. 2nd tweet: “I’m 100% going to SOB this entire movie. Holy heck this looks perfect without giving too much away. I am in AWE.” 3rd tweet: “Avengers: Endgame. *3 crying faces* I’m not ready.” My 4th tweet sums up my thoughts: “That whole opening piece with Tony had me in legit tears. Seeing Hawkeye as Ronin, Thanos on the farm…god bless @Russo_brothers and @MarvelStudios.”

That was my in the heat of the moment thoughts, so allow me to elaborate.

I love the opening piece with Tony talking to the mask relaying a message to Pepper, no matter how much it makes me cry. I think that is the emotional start you need for a trailer like this. Ultimately, I have no belief that Tony will be dying on that ship. There happens to be a superhero that, as we saw on Monday night, can fly through space and fight pretty easily, and think that on her way to earth, Carol Danvers is gonna make a pit stop on that ship and save Tony.

Next cut, I love what they did with the MARVEL STUD10S logo making it drift away like dust, as if to remind anyone who might’ve forgotten what happened in INFINITY WAR.

I LOVEEEEE that they included the shot of Thanos’ armor on the farm, straight from the comic books. He still has the Gauntlet, but I’m not sure how much good that’s gonna do for him after the events of INFINITY WAR left it pretty messed up. I love that Natasha is the one narrating here, letting Steve, who is crying, just like everyone else,(WHO HAS SHAVED, PRAISE THE LORD) know that Thanos really did wipe half of the population, while showing that yes, the Avengers HQ is going to be heavily involved in this movie I believe. Now, there’s been speculation today of what Steve was crying about. For me, I think he’s still crying at the amount of people they lost, including Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson.

Here’s where it gets tricky, though. The next cut is Bruce looking at screens that show missing people. Scott Lang is pictured, Peter Parker is pictured, but then Shuri is pictured. Earlier this year, Angela Bassett confirmed that Ramonda and Shuri survived the snap, but the screen tells me otherwise. The conclusion that I, along with countless others, have come to is that these screens are just showing missing people. For instance, Scott Lang is in the Quantum Realm, not disappeared, as we’ll see later in the trailer. So, Shuri must’ve fled the scene in Wakanda and is in hiding or helping other Wakandans there, as this scene looks to be taking place at the Avengers HQ. Rest assured, I don’t think Shuri is gone, and I think she’ll play a big role in this movie as she and Bruce are the only scientists on Earth.

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The next cut is Thor, who I assume is at the Avengers HQ since he was with them in Wakanda, but then also Nebula which really sparked my mind. How did Nebula get from Titan to Earth, but Tony didn’t? Honestly, I don’t have that answer, and I haven’t seen anyone come up with a logical answer all day. My best guess is that once people started disappearing Nebula knew what was happening and got the hell out of there. Or this is a cut scene from when Tony is back on Earth and she came with him. It’s also impossible to tell who she’s touching there, but I’m sure we’ll find out.

And FINALLY, after sitting out the last movie, we get our first look at Clint Barton as Ronin and my GOODNESS does this dude look like a badass. So he’s obviously in an Asian city and Natasha is the one that has to go get him, what I want to know is does he have any idea what has happened and who has disappeared. My guess is obviously he knows people have disappeared as it was a worldwide thing, but he doesn’t know it was Thanos and he doesn’t know who disappeared. I think Natasha is going to have to break it to him that his family is gone. That, or he already knows they’re gone and that’s why he’s graduated from bow and arrows to a badass looking sword. Either way, he’s a lot darker now, and I LOVE that and look forward to his action in the next movie, because I think he’s potentially a show stealer.

Then we got Captain in his OG gear looking at Peggy in the locket. This could be before they time travel since time travel will be a huge part of the movie, and I think that’s the case here. However, the question remains: does Cap die in this movie? Honestly, after talking with some of my friends here at GVN, I’ve changed my stance. I think he’ll end up staying with Peggy after they complete their last mission and that’s where Chris Evans’ story as Steve Rogers will end.

Then, we’ve got the official title, which we at GVN have been telling y’all for a couple of months now. AVENGERS: ENDGAME. And that it will be releasing in April, not May, of 2019. (The AVENGERS: ENDGAME poster later revealed the date to be April 26, 2019.) I like the title ENDGAME, and it makes that scene with Dr Strange and Tony all that more important, in my opinion.

Then, we get a nice little end scene with Ant Man, as he’s clearly back from the Quantum Realm and wanting to help out, or figure out, what the heck happened. So he shows up at Avengers HQ looking for Cap and answers. I liked this scene, but in my opinion, the end scene of the INFINITY WAR trailer with Peter and Dr Strange was a lot better.

God Bless the Russo Brothers, Marvel Studios, and everyone involved in this phenomenal film. At 8:00am EST on a Friday morning, you managed to break Twitter. AVENGERS: ENDGAME became the number one worldwide trend instantly, shortly followed by TONY STARK, HAWKEYE, and CAPTAIN AMERICA. To say the trailer delivered would be an understatement. Instantly fans, including myself, were wanting more, coming up with more theories and more questions. The trailer did it’s job. In a time period where we received a LION KING trailer, a CAPTAIN MARVEL trailer, a GAME OF THRONES teaser, and the Golden Globe nominations, all anyone is talking about is AVENGERS: ENDGAME.

So what are your thoughts on AVENGERS: ENDGAME? What do you think will happen? Let us know in the comments below![/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”11462,11464,11461,11465,11463″ img_size=”900×500″ speed=”3000″ autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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