‘Batwoman’ EP Reveals How The Absence of Batman In The ‘Elseworld’ Saga Is Explained

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With the much anticipated Elseworlds three day event approaching, it has been wondered by fans where the Dark Knight is during this tale in the Arrowverse? Anticipating fans need to know, Batwoman EP Carlone Dries discussed how the Elseworlds crossover will address what they have defined as Batman’s three year absence in Gotham.

Our approach is: What does Gotham look like after the Batman has been gone for three years? So if you have the law and order, protector, and hope gone, what happens as a result?. Some people are thriving in his absence because now they can start to do their own thing without the oversight. A lot of other people are suffering and they’re losing hope, and the city itself and infrastructure is falling apart. So it’s not a happy place. Our guys walk into a grimy, scary Gotham.

In a touch of humor, some of the  Arrowverse heroes including Oliver Queen are leaning toward the idea that Batman doesn’t even exist as Grant Gustin (The Flash) explains:

Oliver is like,’ He’s not real! They’ve made him up! It’s a hoax just to scare the citizens.’ Barry is flabbergasted by that and all he wants to do in Gotham is meet Batman. It’s a pretty funny scene.

Does the absense of Batman bother you in the upcoming Elseworlds tale or does it make for a chance for Batwoman to shine? Share your Arrowverse opinions with us at GVNation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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