Clark Gregg Thinks A Shield Reboot Might Happen After ‘Endgame’

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”17184″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Clark Gregg has been a busy man recently. In addition to his work on ABC’s Agents of Shield, which has begun filming for it’s seventh season, he also has been on the film promotion circuit for his appearance in Marvel’s latest installment in the MCU, Captain Marvel which premiers tomorrow. It was during one such stop on the promotional tour, Gregg spoke to Fandom about what he saw in the future for the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.

My theory is that after The Avengers and the Battle of New York, the game was completely changed and the mission of SHIELD changed. My suspicion is after Endgame there’s going to be another complete reboot that involves all of the new people we know about now and all of the new threats. It doesn’t get easier for SHIELD ever.

What Gregg doesn’t say is if there was a re-imagining of Shield, would he like to play a part. He has mentioned in the past if the Marvel Cinematic Universe came calling, he would answer. Does Clark Gregg’s theory sound plausible to you? Would you like to see a new version of Shield in the MCU? Share your thoughts on the matter with us at GVNation. Just don’t expect to see them again…they might be classified.

Source: Comicbook.Com


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