Comic Review: Resurrected #4

It’s been a while but Resurrected is back with an all-new issue that really takes the fight between the natives of Austrailia and the Drexler Corporation to a whole new level. This is easily the most action-packed issue of the series so far and it doesn’t skip on those hard-hitting emotional moments either. Despite, having some very minor pacing issue’s Resurrected #4 elevates the series in ways previous issues never could and still continues to showcase that very realistic tone that the series has owned since day one.



I’ll avoid spoilers as best I can here but Resurrected’s latest issue really is a rollercoaster of a ride. Written and created by Christian Carnouche with artwork by Crizam Zamora, Salvatore Aiala, and Cardinal Rae and picks up straight after the bombshell ending of issue #3. I’ll be honest I was expecting a little more fallout after that huge revelation between Cain and Pem but It felt like there “make-up” so to speak was a little rushed. I will say that there was a sense of tension between the two later on into the issue which was subtle enough to not be overwhelming but still very present, and that was a nice touch even if I expected a more imidate response from Cain. There’s also plenty of jaw-dropping moments involving certain characters which I can’t really go into here without spoiling them but I will say they definitely caught me off guard and added a nice emotional layer to the issue. As for the overall plot of the issue, we saw a much larger side to the conflict we have been introduced to in previous issues, with it really starting to feel more like a war than an internal conflict and I really like this direction. I’ve always said Resurrected has had some great action and this issue by far has the best action scenes of the whole series and showcases a lot of potential for future battles. Yet another Cliffhanger ending, as is almost tradition with Resurrected and here it really did feel like the beginning of the end. The stakes are as high as they’ve ever been and I’m personally extremely excited to see how this war concludes.


A whole host of characters enter and leave Resurrected in this issue and for the most part, I really enjoyed these new additions even if the issue did feel a little overcrowded at times. As for the main group, Cain was the standout for me, even though I didn’t fully buy his reaction to Pem’s revelation at the start, however, he had a very cool personal moment in the middle of the issue that explored his more emotional side more which I really enjoyed seeing. Speaking of Pem and Yindi, I did enjoy both of these two even if it felt like we didn’t see a lot of them but I know for a fact we’ll get some really cool moments with them in issue #5. Finally, we have Akimi, who again didn’t get a whole lot of time front and center but did have the most emotional and one of the most badass moments of the entire comic. We also get introduced to the Resistance in this issue, a strong fighting force or natives who are trying to simply survive against the Drexler Corporation but end up joining the fight against them in a more direct way. There was a lot of people added in the resistance and right now we don’t know too much about them but I’m excited to learn more in future issues.

The coolest out of the new additions is easily General Gunvaldsson who is tasked by Dexler to hunt down and capture Pem along with any other indigenous people who may be trying to hide from the corporation. I got some Orson Krennic vibes from him, which was really cool, and he definitely felt like the most formidable antagonist in the whole series.


This issue had some of the coolest artwork of the whole series and that was mainly down to the over-the-top action. It really helped sell the gritty reality hidden away behind the futuristic tech both sides were using. This was really present when we meet the resistance which almost reminded me of the Borderlands series with these ragtag bunch of survivors using whatever they could get their hands on to survive against the extremely militarised corporation. I think with the ending of issue #4, the art style will make a major shift in issue #5 but it was a nice change of scenery here, compared to previous issues.

Adapted for the Big Screen

This issue has only reassured my thoughts that Resurrected would look absolutely amazing on the big screen. The action here was absolutely incredible and a surprising standout was the scenery of the Australian outback which looked genuinely beautiful. As always Resurrected looks fantastic on the comic page but with such a cinematic feel to the issue I can’t help but imagine how incredible this would look on the big screen.

Overall Resurrected #4 was an action-packed, emotional rollercoaster that reminded me just how great this comic is. It has the futuristic elements combined with the more historical and real-world elements, it really raised the stakes in terms of the ongoing battle between natives and the resistance against Drexler, and it still kept those personal and emotional moments that Resurrected has always been able to sprinkle throughout. If you’ve been following Resurrected you absolutely don’t want to miss out on this latest issue.

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