Could TITANS Have Cast Its Rose Wilson?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”18121″ img_size=”800×448″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Titans season two is shaping up nicely, with Superboy and Deathstroke both being cast. Now, according to Revenge of the Fans; it seems like the DC Universe show has cast its Rose Wilson aka Ravager aka Deathstroke’s daughter. 22-year-old actress Chelsea Zhang has reportedly been brought on for this role, and the reason why it’s been surmised that Zhang is Rose Wilson is due to the official casting breakdown for the role, which went by “Eva”. We all know that these shows give roles different names so to not reveal spoilers too early on.

Here is the casting description for Eva:

“[Asian-American female, 18-21]Eva’s a young woman who’s been chewed up and spit out by life and had to learn from a young age how to survive on her own. Kick-ass and self-sufficient, she knows how to get what she wants and lets nothing stand in her way. Even if it means killing someone to get it.“

If this is true, it’s great seeing Deathstroke’s family coming together in the series Titans. Rose, in the comics; is often a handler for Superboy after he destroys S.T.A.R. labs – so it’ll be interesting where they go with this. Are you excited that they could have possibly cast their Rose? Let us know![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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