Daredevil’s Charlie Cox Opens Up About Cancellation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”6887″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The wounds are still fresh from Daredevil’s cancellation. While it was shocking for Iron Fist and Luke Cage’s cancellations, Daredevil hits hard, especially after the rock-solid third season we were given. The ending of season three may have tied up nicely, but there was plenty of story to tell, as well as characters we needed to see adapted on screen and from the other shows interact with the likes of Matt Murdock, Karen, and Foggy.

It’s been clear that the cast, crew members, writers, and producers of Daredevil were expecting a fourth season. Finally, Charlie Cox has broken his silence over the cancellation, and his reaction makes the whole situation all the more tragic, considering how out of our hands this all is:

“A lot of us really expected to keep going, and I certainly did. The truth is, I felt like we had a lot of stories to tell, and although I understand [the cancellation], I’m very saddened by that.”

“It’s just how business works,” Cox continued. “But also, these characters mean a lot to people. It’s weird to think there’s a chance I won’t be playing Matt Murdock ever again. That’s a bizarre feeling, because that character has been such a huge part of my life for the last four and a half years.”

“I loved it. It’s been just the most incredible job for me. It’s so fun to do. You get to do all the acting obviously, which is great, but then there’s also this really fun physical aspect to it with all the stunts and the fight choreography,” Cox added.

“I hate to be boring, but to be honest, I don’t think I should answer that. It’s so new, the news. It’s quite painful for quite a lot of people. I was really excited about the ideas that were talked about for season 4, and I think if I was to speculate about it and it went on the internet, it might not be very helpful to people.… Anything I say often gets picked up and circulated, and I just want to make sure I don’t give any false hope.”

If you wanted to cry some more, Cox replied when asked if he would ever reprise the role:

“Oh my God, yeah,” Cox said. “I don’t know how this would happen, but maybe one day we could pick up the baton and do it again.”

For all the fans out there, please continue to support the cast on social media, and if you haven’t watched the third season, do not let this cancelation dissuade you; it is still the best example of television, and needs to be appreciated.

Source: CB


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