Dark Phoenix’s Michael Fassbender Dives Into Magneto’s Mind State in Genosha

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”13361″ img_size=”800×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Michael Fassbender has become just as well-known for playing Magneto as Ian McKellen has. With the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix on the horizon, this may very well be the last time we see Fassbender in the role.

During the ACE Comic Con that is happening this weekend, Fassbender attests to the mindstate that his character is in for the film:

Well I think, you know, Genosha’s a pretty cool idea and always it’s that thing with Magneto, you can’t really argue with his philosophies in some ways, but his methods, of course, are very extreme. But what he’s done in Genosha is kind of cool because he’s sort of stepped out of the conflict, if you will, and said, ‘Okay, you know, just give us this place that’s our own and just leave us be and we’ll be self-sufficient and anybody who’s willing to sort of not bring violence to the area and sort of pitch in and do their part, then they have a home there and they’re welcome there.’ And I think, you know, it’s a pretty cool philosophy. And there’s only something that happens outside of Genosha that sort of drags him away from this place that he’s set up. But it was cool when [director] Simon Kinberg was developing Genosha and we were walking around it and it’s like, it’s sort of off-the-grid, self-sustained community. It’s pretty beautiful. But then of course, then you see the other side of him once he makes the decision to do something it’s go big or go home.”

Fassbender then commented how Magneto’s mentality from the previous films still carry through Dark Phoenix:

I think the ends justify the means, you know?. He’s quite Machiavellian in that, and, like you said, because of his history, because he’s endured so much sort of suffering in terms of the personal relationships he’s developed and what humans have done and taken that away from him you understand his extremism and sort of his motivation.”

What do you think? Is Magneto a hero or a villain or is he somewhere in between? Dark Pheonix hits theaters June 7th!

Source: Heroic Hollywood[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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