Destiny 2’s Next Big Event, The Revelry, Will Be Arriving Soon

Bungie has officially revealed what Destiny 2’s next big event will be…The Revelry! I hope you’re ready to hop into some Easter fun. No, I’m not ashamed of that pun. Not one bit.

Verdant Forest

The main piece of added content for the Revelry, which starts Tuesday, April 16 and ends Tuesday, May 7 is a new activity called the Verdant Forest. Whilst players who experienced the Haunted Forest might be feeling some Deja vu this time its blooming bright with all the flora of Spring and will apparently have some “New twists to fight through.”. You have to clear as many rooms as possible within the forest and the more you clear the more time you’ll have at the end to face off against 5 different bosses and claim your well-earned rewards.

The activity can be played with a team or solo and if you don’t have a team you can be matchmade into one. Whilst solo play is possible Bungie themselves recommend bringing along some friends.

The New Revelry Armour

The Revelry will also feature a brand new set of armour which can be obtained from defeating bosses in the Verdant Forest so time to get grinding! Eva, a vendor in Destiny 2’s HUb area The Tower will be central to the event and will have 5 weekly bounties availbe that also grant players new armor pieces. Each of these pieces will boost the effects of another new addition; The Revelers Tonic.

The Tonic will be given to guardians when they first visit Eva and can be filled with Revelers Essence from killing bosses in the Verdant Forest. There are 3 different tonics which each decrease cooldowns for either grenades, melee or class ability. The more revelry armour you equip the more potent your tonic effects will be and other than private matches they can be used in any activity in Destiny 2…including the Crucible so if you want that extra edge you better take a visit to the Verdant Forest.

Some Spring Firepower

If you want an extra kick this spring you can complete triumphs as well as hand in Revelers Essence to earn a new exotic fusion rifle, The Arbalest. Its the only weapon of its kind and does extra damage towards shields.

Easter Goodies

The event also features double drops for both Bright Engrams and Revelry Engram’s for players who are at max rank each time they level up. There will also be a feature which prevents players from getting duplicate items in their engrams. A nice touch. Below are just some of the possible rewards you could get including a ladybug themed Ghost Shell and a golfing emote…yeah don’t ask.

Will you be jumping into the Revelry Event on Destiny 2 when it officially starts. Let us know and give us your thoughts on the whole event down below or over on Twitter.

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