Director of John Wick Chapter 3 Is Frustrated With Test Screening

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”13677″ img_size=”800×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]John Wick 3 or John Wick – Parabellum has been shown to some select audiences for test screening and the results of said test screenings have left director Chad Stahelski a tad frustrated. In an interview with Collider, the director has shared his frustration of what he feels are “contradicting” statements from audience members.

“Pacing is always a really true note,” Stahelski mentions. “There’s a lot of contradictory [notes]. ‘What’s the best thing you like about John Wick 3?’ ‘We love the action! We love the action!’ ‘What’s the [worst]?’ ‘Well, there’s just a lot of action, a lot of action.'”

“OK, so your best note and your worst note are the same thing?” says Stahelski. “It’s a tricky one to handle. ‘We love your action, but we want you to change it. But if you change it, we may hate it.’ OK, so you love all the action? ‘Oh it’s the best action packed movie I’ve ever seen! But there’s too much.’ OK, what do you want to cut? ‘I don’t know. Good luck!'”

It is certainly understandable from a creative person’s standpoint to hear generic answers while not being able to gain much of anything from it. With test screenings, you have the opportunity to see what worked and what didn’t work in your movie to adjust before its release to the general masses. Despite the director feeling this way, he still feels like him and actor Keanu Reeves could keep the franchise alive for years.

“I enjoy making these movies because there’s no limit,” says Stahelski. “We create our own mythology, and we have a studio that both stays out of our way and supports us on the wacky decisions. If people go see the movie, and it makes money, and they came back to us, Keanu and I have ideas for days. I could live here for the rest of my career. If people like it and want to watch more, I could think of way worse ways to spend your career. But, you know, we’re in the entertainment business. We’ll let the audience figure that out.”

John Wick Chapter 3 hits theaters May 17th.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Michael Lye

Tia, indeed!
I am glad that Chad cares about his work-product-movie to want to improve it. I wish that I could have test-screened it so that I could have given him more helpful, informative and constructive feedback.
Hopefully, he will find a way to make it better.
Regardless, I Will still be watching it.
Thank you.