DREAD, the specialty horror label from Epic Pictures, will be premiering director David Andrew James‘ horror-thriller Bag of Lies in select theaters on March 29th, and on VOD on April 2, 2024. The dark magic film stars Patrick Taft (Baby Steps, Wildfire), Brandi Botkin (Zero Percent, St. Gabriel), John Wells (Supernatural Assassins, I Can), Madison Pullins (The Kiss List) and Terry Tocantins (Red Is the Color of, Ally McBeal).
GVN has been provided with an exclusive clip from the new film ahead of its debut which you can find below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENh5y3fOsrg]
Synopsis: How far would you go for the one you love? Desperate to save his dying wife, Matt (Patrick Taft) turns to The Bag, an ancient relic with dark magic. The cure demands a chilling ritual and strict rules. As his wife heals, Matt’s sanity unravels, facing terrifying consequences.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tYfUaN72Ho]

Dillon is most comfortable sitting around in a theatre all day watching both big budget and independent movies.