‘Einstein’s Universe’ Blu-Ray Review – Classic Documentary Explores Achievements Of Iconic Scientist

Science is a field that is constantly evolving and making breakthroughs that affect our everyday lives in innumerable ways. Even with such advances, it is often beneficial for not only scientists but even the average individual to look back upon the building blocks and see how we got to where we are. Even after more than 65 years since Albert Einstein left this world, he is still arguably the most revered scientist mankind has ever known. Functioning as something of a precursor to landmark documentaries such as The Brief History of Time, in March of 1979 the world witnessed the first broadcast of Einstein’s Universe as a celebration of the scientist’s centenary. Based on Nigel Calder’s best-selling book of the same name and narrated by charismatic actor Peter Ustinov (Beau Brummell), the film gives audiences a relatively digestible and entertaining look at some of Einstein’s greatest achievements as explained by a renowned team of scientists at the University of Texas-Austin McDonald Observatory.

Ustinov is first introduced as being the “voice” of Einstein for this project, but it soon becomes clear that his role expanded far beyond this to a full-blown, physically present audience surrogate. His interactions with the scientists can come off as painfully scripted, but the information that is relayed to the audience makes up for how we get there. Einstein’s achievements are still quite dense to the average person, but the film showcases experiments that help explain warped space, how light responds to gravity, the “Doppler effect” and many more concepts in a straightforward manner. The most knowledgeable audience members may find an added layer of intrigue noting how concepts have developed immensely since this film was created. Those who really want to edify themselves and immerse themselves in scientific concepts from one of the greatest minds that there has ever been will find a lot to enjoy here. 

Video Quality

The Blu-Ray of Einstein’s Universe is sourced from a digital restoration. This is a gorgeous transfer that all but eliminates any blemishes to the print outside of the occasional white specks, tiny cuts and other small blemishes. The transfer maintains nice film grain support throughout with nothing looking unnatural and no major instances of spiking. When you consider the age of the film and condition of the source material, it is pleasing to see the material looking so strong. There does not appear to be any issues with compression artifacts or any other such digital anomalies. The track does show off some fine detail in the clothing of the subjects and in some of the background elements of the laboratories. Colors present with a nice vividness that pops off the screen. This presentation does a stellar job of giving life to this moment in history. 

Audio Quality

The new Blu-Ray is presented with a lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Master Audio track that suits the material as well as the source will allow. The conversations are the main focus of this feature, and they mostly hold up quite well with no apparent dropouts or instances of distortion. There are a couple moments where there is a fluctuation in the audio that seems connected to the source material, but these are very brief and not an overwhelming issue. Considering the limitations in place in the course of this restoration, the results are largely pleasing. 

Special Features

There are no special features included on this disc. 

Final Thoughts

Einstein’s Universe is an informative, if not a bit dry, look at the scientific legacy of one of history’s great minds. This documentary is probably better suited for those with a deep interest in science, but even those with only a passing interest should find it worthwhile. Corinth Films has released a Blu-Ray featuring a pleasing enough A/V presentation. 

Einstein’s Universe is currently available to purchase on Blu-Ray + DVD Combo Pack and Digital. 

Note: Images presented in this review are not reflective of the image quality of the Blu-Ray.

Disclaimer: Corinth Films has supplied a copy of this disc free of charge for review purposes. All opinions in this review are the honest reactions of the author.

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