Even Mr. Incredible is Worried About What’s Coming Next for Marvel/Netflix Shows

With the recent cancellations of Marvel/NetFlix shows Iron Fist and Luke Cage, fan’s are suffering from anxiety about who might be next on the chopping block. With that in mind, a Reddit user decided to try to lighten the mood by having Mr. Incredible doing a search to see who has met their demise and who might be next. In this case, the fate of Daredevil.

Marvel Television is taking a big hit… from marvelstudios

This is a clever video and well done but it speaks to the uncertainty these days about what Marvel/Netflix’s plans are for present or future shows. Will they combine characters in a Heroes for Hire or Daughter’s of the Dragon scenario or will they go another direction entirely. Share your thoughts about YOUR favorite Marvel/Netflix shows and their futures with us at GVNation.

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