‘Game of Thrones’: What if…Part one of a series

Because we still have quite a bit of time before all of our questions are answered on Game of Thrones, we here at GVNation decided to muddy the waters by adding even MORE questions to the mix. Why? Because we can. Now please understand, the actual created history of these events are so complex, it would take awhile to discuss it all. We will be using the Reader’s Digest versions of some events. What’s Reader’s Digest? Ask your parents…or your Grandparents. So with no further ado, we bring you the first in a series of Game of Thrones: “What If’s?”

What if Robert Baratheon had discovered the secret tryst of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen?

What history tells us:

Robert’s Rebellion also known as the “War of the Usurper” started like many wars have been started, over hatred and vengeance.(Not unlike many family reunions). Robert Baratheon thought that his intended, Lyanna Stark had been kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. With that premise, Robert had only one thing in mind…to meet and kill Rhaegar Targaryen in battle. That moment came at the Battle of the Trident. There Robert Baratheon met with the man he believed had stolen away his love. Stolen her, raped her, and murdered her. The battle was fierce with both men skilled and powerful. Eventually however, although wounded, Robert ended the battle by crushing Rhaegar’s chest plate in with his war hammer. The rubies that were incrusted in Rhaegar’s armor broke away and spilled into the ford, thus giving it the name, the Ruby Ford. From there, though the battles continued, Robert’s rebellion would push forward and eventually, Robert would be named King of the Seven Kingdoms. Only later would we learn in the 6th Season of Game of Thrones that Robert’s quest for vengeance for his betrothed was based on a lie. Lyanna was not kidnapped. She went with Rhaegar by choice. They loved each other and were secretly wed before she tragically died after childbirth. This is what happened. But…what if the events were a little different. What if Robert had discovered the relationship between Lyanna and Rhaegar? How would he react? Who would he blame? Let’s step through the looking glass and see the possibilities.

The first question would be, how did Robert find out? To answer that, it would be logical to consider who it would benefit if Robert found out the truth. Who could hope to gain something if it became common knowledge? The logical answer might be the Lannisters. (I would say the Targaryens but it really doesn’t benefit them to tick off Robert any more than he normally would be against Rhaegar.) So Lannisters it is. If they could somehow drive a wedge between the Baratheon’s and the Starks, it would be one less formidable faction to have to eventually face. Perhaps using the conflict to plot to gain the throne for themselves. How would this effect Robert and Eddard? We already know that Eddard is honorable to a fault. He loves Robert like a brother but if it came down to a choice between Robert and protecting his sister, Lyanna would win. This was proven in reality as Lyanna got Eddard to swear not to tell Robert about the birth of her baby. Eddard’s support for Lyanna , while normally understandable, might seen as disloyalty to him. In his way of thinking, he has been dishonored by Lyanna’s deception and if Eddard takes HER side, he is also dishonoring him by discarding a lifetime friendship. This might lead to a battle that would eventually pit Robert vs Eddard. This conflict would please both King Ayres and the Lannisters.

Another possibility is, although hurt by Lyanna’s decision, he would STILL see this as Rhaegar’s fault. He is using Lyanna  and will discard her when the moment requires it. If he can kill Rhaegar, she will see her mistake and come back to him. As for the child, he could claim the child as his, or ask his good friend Eddard to take the child home and claim it is his. (that seems familiar). The result of Robert STILL killing Rhaegar might yield the same results with Robert becoming King but if Lyanna were to resent Robert for killing the man she truly loved, then what? She might ask her Big Brother Eddard to seek vengeance on Robert and we’re back to the Eddard/Robert battle. It’s amazing how one little turn of events can open up so may different outcomes. Now, it’s your turn GVNation readers. What do YOU think would happen if Robert knew about Lyanna and Rhaegar?



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