‘Gotham’ Teases The Arrival of Bane in Season Five

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”3030″ img_size=”825×464″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Gotham has featured plenty of Batman’s rogue gallery, including a variation of The Joker, called Jerome; played by the widely talented Cameron Monaghan. Now as Gotham heads towards its final season, there seems to be another well-known villain that could make an appearance in this prequel series. This is not the first time Bane has been teased in Gotham. In season 1 Episode 5 called VIPER, it was based around the drug that would one day become Venom which Bane uses to get his strength in the comics. It had also been previously mentioned that Bane’s father may make an appearance in season five, but a title teaser for a few episodes may have given us a clue of the arrival of one of the biggest enemies Batman has ever faced.

Episode 5×05: “Pena Dura”

Episode 5×06: “The Air is Getting Slippery”

Episode 5×07: TBA

Episode 5×08: “I Am Bane”

Now, while these titles have not been confirmed by Warner Bros. yet, the sources at ComicBook.com are usually right on the money with this kind of stuff. While Bane has appeared in comic books, cartoons, and live-action movies, it’ll be interesting to see what a “prequel” version of the masked villain is going to look like. Bane first made his appearance in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993) and even though he is a relatively new foe, he has already made a name for himself as one of the few who can match Batman physically. Otherwise known as the man who “broke the bat”, any rendition of Bane is frightening.

Gotham season five is going to be insane with all the rogues contending with Bruce Wayne and is a proper send-off for the popular Fox show. Gotham will return early 2019.


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