GVN Review: Paramount+ ‘Star Trek Discovery’ Episode 402: ‘Anomaly’

Last Time

Last time on Star Trek Discovery, a massive gravitational anomaly had hit Deep Space Repair Beta Six. Discovery found itself in a rescue mission to save the crew before the station tore itself apart. They were mostly successful as they saved the majority of the station crew but the Station Commander Nalas was killed in the attempt. However, the anomaly wasn’t finished. As it also found its way to Book’s home planet of Kwejian. After having his ship damaged by the anomaly, Book returned to Discovery only to find that Kwejian had been devastated. Everyone was gone.

More Information Needed

Captain Burnham tried to console Book but he was internalizing the event. He stayed on his ship for the past two days, reliving the incident and trying to find some reason in it all. Needing some advice and support herself, Burnham requested that Saru come to see her. He did so, deciding that the Federation needed his help more Kaminar did at that time. He offered his services to Burnham as first officer, which she gladly accepted. Soon they were being briefed by Lt. Stamets and Tilly about the anomaly. As they discussed their theories, Book entered just in time to see the simulated destruction of Kwejian. It was decided that Discovery would attempt to get closer to the anomaly and gather more needed information. Meanwhile, Federation and Non-Federation worlds agreed that it would be in their best interest to collaborate with each other during this threat.

A Hard Choice

Upon jumping to the given coordinates, they find the anomaly is not what they expected. However, to uncover any useable data, it will be necessary to get closer, penetrating the outer layer. If Discovery was to do this, it would be at great risk. Book has another suggestion. He would take HIS ship in, changing its shape if needed to absorb any excessive torque. He would go in, get the scans required and get out. Burnham is reluctant to agree to this plan. She feels that Book is not mentally ready for the mission.

How could he be? His home world was just destroyed. She wanted to use Lt. Detmer to pilot Book’s ship. Needless to say, Book wanted no part of that. It was his ship and HE was most qualified to pilot it. Plus, they needed the information the scans would provide in order to perhaps prevent more planets from sharing Kwejian’s fate. There was no way he would put anyone else in the pilot’s seat but him.

Deep down, Captain Burnham knew Book WAS the best choice for the mission. But his recent trauma and his seeming inability to process it made her concerned. She talked to Saru to get his perspective. He also felt that Book was the best choice, but he understood that Burnham’s feeling for Book might be making the choice harder. Saru suggested they take extra precautions to assure the Discovery and Book’s safety.

Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham and Doug Jones as Saru of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/Paramount+ © 2021 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.

Mission Anomaly

The solution they came up with was to attach a tether to Book’s ship to make it possible to yank him clear if trouble arose. They also sent Lt. Stamet’s Holo along to help gather the scan’s needed. This would allow him to gather the needed information while staying safe on Discovery. They couldn’t risk losing both Booka and Paul’s knowledge about the spore drive.

The problem for Stamet was he didn’t get along well with Book. The reasons were unknown but he felt uncomfortable around him and so did Book with Stamet. Probably because he could sense Paul’s discomfort with him. Irregardless, they had a job to do. So, Paul would do his job and allow Book to do his. At least he hoped that is how it would work as Book piloted the ship through the outer layer. Huge chunks of debris populated the zone and pounded Book’s shields. Thus far, they held steady while Discovery monitored both Book and the Tether connecting them. As the ship navigated the debris, Book had flashbacks to the birds in the sky on Kwejian and of his nephew Leto.

Gravity Works, Except When it Doesn’t

On the Discovery, they were affected by a temporary loss of gravity as the crew floated for a moment and then crashed back down. Another apparent reaction to the anomaly. While they try to decipher what is causing this, Book is still navigating through the debris while Stamet is gathering data…slowly. Of course, Stamet thinks it would be easier if Book could keep a steady course. Book apologizes for not letting them die by making evasive maneuvers. Eventually, navigation is failing on Book’s ship so Burnham is prepared to reel Book’s ship in. Both he and Stamet ask for more time. They need the data they are collecting. Another 10 minutes is required. At least that is the initial estimate. Burnham tells them that she and Discovery will try to give them that 10 minutes.

As Discovery is being buffeted about, Lt. Tilly is trying to ascertain why they are losing gravity or at least when they can expect the next bout. While the reason for the gravity fluctuation is unclear, she is able to predict when the next event will hit. Unfortunately, it didn’t give them much time to brace for it. Both the ship and the bridge crew were taking on substantial damage. Burnham once again prepared to pull Book free but Saru suggested instead that she cut the tether and allow them to finish their scans. And while Burnham is reluctant to do so, she gives the order to cut the tether so Discovery can get some distance from the anomaly.

Pictured: Anthony Rapp as Stamets and David Ajala as Book of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/Paramount+ © 2021 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.

Book and Stamet Clear the Air

With the tether disconnected, Book and Stamet are on their own. As they attempt to collect the rest of the data, Paul tells Book that he is trying to help him. To somehow connect with him. Book reminds Stamet that he had hardly talked to him since he found out that Book could connect to the Spore Drive. He assumed it was because Paul’s ego was bruised that he was no longer the only one who could do so. But Paul assured him it wasn’t that. He was grateful that when his Discovery family needed him, Book came through. But what he didn’t like was the helpless feeling he had during the crisis. When he sees Book, it reminds him of the helplessness he felt. He hates having that feeling. But it had nothing to do with Book, personally.

Surfing the Wave

While this cleared the air between the two, the present problem was still at hand. Book was basically flying blind. Fortunately, Lt. Tilly and Ensign Tal had found a way for Book and his ship to clear the anomaly. They had found that the distortion waves it created might be rode…almost like a surfer would catch a wave.  The trick would be knowing when to accelerate into it. For this, Captain Burnham would monitor the wave and tell Book when to turn his ship and go.

The first attempt failed when Book hesitated when Burnham had given him the go ahead. After that, Book had started to believe that he was not going to get out. And since Paul was not really there, he was all alone. Not to mention he was still seeing his nephew Leto. He seemed as real to him as he had when he last saw him on Kwejian. Paul assured him that he WAS there with him. All of Discovery was. But he knew that Book would need more help if he were to catch the next wave.

Assuaging the Guilt

He let Captain Burnham know the situation and she put herself on a private channel with Book. She reminded him that there was nothing he could have done to prevent what happened to Kwejian. It was not his fault and he did not fail them. But she needed him to listen to her and do what she tells him, at the moment she tells him. Just as Paul had told him, they were all with him. They would get him out of this situation. All he needed to do was trust her. When the next wave came, Book didn’t hesitate and turned the ship into it. Burnham and Discovery waited and soon was rewarded as Book announced that he and his ship had flown clear of the anomaly. They could now transmit the data they had collected.

No Warning

Afterwards, Burnham visited Booker and he admitted she was right. He wasn’t ready for the mission. Michael acknowledged this but told him that he had completed it, in spite of that fact. Only then did Book begin to let down his defenses and express his grief. The healing would now slowly begin as Michael held him. Meanwhile on the bridge, Lt. Tilly reported to Saru that the anomaly had changed direction since their encounter. It should not have been possible going by all the science they knew. But what it meant was they would have no way of being able to predict the path it would take. It could go anywhere at any time and they would have no warning.

Pictured: Doug Jones as Saru of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/Paramount+ © 2021 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.


This was an intense episode with a great examination of guilt and how different people deal with processing it. For Book, he internalized it. Trying to make some sense out of the loss of his planet without letting his grief affect his work. This proved to be difficult and gave actor David Ajala ample opportunity to explore those feelings which he did with great effect. The scenes between him and Sonequa Martin-Green were powerful and once again displayed their great chemistry.

Another way to deal with grief and tragedy was explored by Tilly and Tal as they tried to get a handle on their feelings after the Space Station saga from Episode One. In both cases, they found someone to talk to. Tilly talked to Dr. Culber (Wilson Cruz) while Tal (Blu del Barrio) confided to Gray (Ian Alexander). It is always nice to have someone you can trust to talk to and I never cease to be amazed by the chemistry these actors have together.


I have become a great fan of Mary Wiseman as Tilly. As I have been catching up in my Discovery lore, the character of Tilly really resonates. She is beyond adorable and has so many of the traits I recognize in my younger self. The need to achieve and prove your worth, while at the same time, having so much to communicate, you can barely contain yourself. It is a constant battle and not everyone understands the struggles it sometimes entails. Miss Wiseman (along with the writers) have done a marvelous job of exploring Tilly’s path. I look forward to seeing where the character goes.

 Anomaly was a stress-filled episode with some great character interactions. Burnham and Book, Burnham and Saru, Stamet and Book, Tal and Gray and of course, Tilly and everyone she talks to. Consistently well done, I give Anomaly a solid 4 out of 5. Star Trek Discovery can be found on Paramount+ with new episodes released on Thursdays.

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