GVN Review: Starz ‘Outlander’ Season 6, Episode 2: ‘Allegiance’

Last Time

Last time on Outlander, Claire had created a form of Ether to act as an antiesthetic for surgeries. As she tested it, she found that it was useful to her when she suffered through bouts of anxiety. This was due to her abduction and rape at the hands of Lincoln Brown and his henchmen. All of whom are now dead. But the trauma remains. Elsewhere, the Ridge was joined by a former cellmate of Jamie’s, Tom Christie. He had brought his son and daughter along with a group of people to take Jamie up on his request for homesteaders. Jamie has reluctantly allowed this despite that he remembers Tom being problematic due to his strong religious beliefs. Meanwhile, Marsali is expecting but is having a problem with her husband Fergus and his recent drinking problem. Finally, the Carolina Governor has requested that Jamie take the position of Indian Agent for the King to negotiate with the Cherokee. He refuses initially but changes his mind when the position is offered to John Brown instead.

Meeting with the Cherokee

Jamie meets up with the Cherokee Chief, Bird Who Sings in the Morning, having met with him before. He asks Jamie to extend their requests to the King for guns. They also explain that new settlers have been encroaching on Cherokee land. Setting up homes and hunting the game that the Cherokee depend on. They expect the King to put a stop to it. Jamie tells them he will take it under advisement but makes no promise to pass on the request. While they are disappointed, they respect his honesty. They extend their hospitality by letting Jamie and Ian, who accompanied him, stay with them. During their slumber, two Indian maids visit Jamie in the night, with ideas of “sharing” him. Jamie is embarrassed and tries to get the women to understand that he has made a vow with his wife. At first, they apparently don’t care about that. As for Ian, he is enjoying Jamie’s discomfort but tries to explain to the girls that Jamie cannot be with them. At least not until Jamie secures their Chief his weapons. Jamie looks at Ian askew at that remark. He apologizes and tells Jamie it was the best he could think of in such short notice. It worked because they left their tent.

Making House Calls

Meanwhile back at the Ridge, Claire stops by to check on Tom Christie’s cut hand. It is healing but Claire is more concerned by Tom’s other hand with the way his fingers are drawing in. She assures him she can repair his hand with surgery. If it is pain, he is concerned about, she had her Ether to put him to sleep during the procedure. He told her he would consider it, but he had work to do. Besides, perhaps it is God’s will that his hand be this way. As Claire left, she talked to Tom’s daughter Malva about her interest in medicine. She told her that she was on her way to visit Marsali. If she was interested, she could go along to learn some things. However, her brother told Claire that she had her chores to do.

Marsali and Fergus

Claire checked on Marsali confirming that her baby could be arriving at any time. She also noticed another bruise on Marsali’s wrist. Claire inquired how things were going between Marsali and Fergus. After initially denying it, Marsali admitted she was at her wits end with Fergus. She explained that Fergus holds himself responsible for not being there when the Browns assaulted Marsali and took Claire. Even though Marsali tried to tell him that it was not his fault, he still carries that guilt, and it is fueling his drinking. She also admitted that Fergus had squeezed her arm, but she doesn’t think it was intentional. She had attacked him in a fit of anger and he had grabbed her arm. But she is tired. Tired of him not being around, and tired of his drinking. Claire tells Marsali she will stay with her and Jamie until the baby is born. So, she can keep an eye on her. However, the talk about the Browns has brought on another anxiety attack. Claire goes to her surgery (doctor’s office) and prepares her Ether mask. Soon she is laying in her cot in its restful embrace.

A Match Made in Fraser’s Ridge

While Claire is taking a medicinal nap, Brie is busy trying to recreate matches with some phosphorous that Lord John had sent her. Roger tells her that a member of Tom Christies party has passed away. The family wants a quick service, but their Reverend has not arrived yet. Tom has asked Roger to officiate the funeral. Brie asks Roger what he will say but he has no idea as of yet. In the meantime, while he ponders on it, Brie takes her phosphorous and matches experiment outside the house. Just to be on the safe side. Wouldn’t do for their home to go up in flames, now that they had decided to stay in this time.

Insider Information

Jamie returns to the Ridge from his visit with the Cherokee. Apparently, the late-night visit from the Indian ladies has made Jamie eager to reaffirm his vow with Claire. As the scuffling and overturned furniture attest to. Those crazy kids. Once they have settled in, Jamie asks Claire for some information about the future. He wants to know if the Cherokee join up with the British or the “Rebels.” It would make his decision of whether he passes along the Cherokee chief’s request for guns. It would be somewhat foolish for the Crown to arm the Cherokee, only to have them use the weapons against them. Unfortunately, Claire has no knowledge of what the Cherokee do or don’t do. So at least in this case, he is on his own. However, before he and Claire can contemplate some more “reaffirming,” Major McDonald arrives.

To Arm or Not to Arm

As McDonald answers a question about the Cherokee and the Crown’s past history, Jamie contemplates whether he will mention the Chief’s request for weapons. As McDonald drones on, he starts to sneeze continuously. Apparently, he is allergic to feline dander and the Fraser’s have a cat. Ian has been watching the conversation and after McDonald steps outside to escape the cat, he asks Jamie why he is reluctant to tell McDonald what Chief Bird wants.  Jamie explains what he asked Claire and the reasons of why he asked. He knows when the war starts, he will be fighting for the Rebels. But he has no knowledge of where the Cherokee will stand. If the Cherokee get the weapons, “they very well could be pointed at us.” Ian reaffirms that he would fight at Jamie’s side. But Jamie reminds Ian not to tell anyone about what he knows about the future. And all they can do is let their knowledge guide their decisions.

Photo Credit: Starz

Not Quite Ready

It is time for the funeral of Mrs. Wilson, the elderly member of Tom Christie’s congregation. It is being held in the church that Christie’s group is building. However, as Roger is leading a prayer for the dearly departed, she suddenly is not so departed. She starts to breathe, and her eyes open up. Claire, who had attended along with Jamie and their grandson Jemmy, rushed in to check on her. Claire determines she has an aortic aneurism and is bleeding internally. It would explain why her breathing was almost undiscernible and she was cold to the touch. However, it was only a short matter of time when she WOULD pass on. A few minutes at best. All this time, the parishioners were looking on as if it were the work of Lucifer himself.

The “Sin-Eater”

This did give Mrs. Wilson and her family a chance to say their last words. Mrs. Wilson brow beating her son-in-law Hiram one last time, complaining about being laid to rest in a barn, about why her favorite brooch is not on her, and why the “Sin-Eater” had not come. Roger stepped in and told them that this was not the place for such words. She was still on deaths door, and she should make her peace with that. At that, the aforementioned “sin-eater” arrived to absolve her from sins. Eating the piece of bread laid upon her and drinking the cup of wine. All for the price of a coin. Once that was done, Mrs. Wilson was at peace. She told Hiram she forgave him and that he was a good boy before lying down for her eternal slumber as Roger read from the Bible.

Witch Claire

Later that night, the Fraser’s and the McKenzie’s are sitting down to dinner. Brie tells the family she has a surprise. They immediately assume that Brie is pregnant. But before they go crazy, Brie assures them that was not what she was talking about. She shows them her newly created matches. While Jamie is somewhat disappointed, both he and Claire congratulate Brie on her creation. Claire also congratulates Roger on his deft handling of the funeral earlier that day. Roger informs them that Tom asked him to preach on Sunday. Again, filling in for their absent Reverend. Claire mentions that she was told to stay away from the church. Apparently, some of the parishioners feel that due to Mrs. Wilson’s brief sojourn back and forth from the land of the living, it somehow added up to Claire being a Witch…again. However, she assures her family that she will not acquiesce to their request. Which was good news to Roger. He wants the family to hear him preach.

Photo Credit: Starz


Marsali Starts Her Labor

But before they can discuss it further Marsali starts to have pain. She tells Claire that it is different than her experiences with her other children. They help her to Claire’s Surgery (Doctor’s Office). As Claire tends to Marsali, she is concerned. If she should have to perform a cesarian, she fears that she could save the baby but not Marsali. Not with what she has to work with in this time. Jamie is upset that Fergus is not there to be with his wife. Claire explains what Marsali told her about Fergus and his guilt. Jamie understood it. He too curses himself that he wasn’t there to protect Claire from the Browns. She reminds him, like Marsali reminded Fergus, that there was nothing they could have done. It was not either of their fault. But Fergus needed to be with Marsali, or he could have something else to regret. Jamie sends Roger to bring Fergus back.

Roger Sets Fergus Straight

Roger rides to the Still to find Fergus sitting and drinking. He grabs the bottle from Fergus and tells him to go be with his wife. Fergus replies that Claire is with her, and he would only be in the way. Roger tells him it doesn’t matter if he can do something. It matters that Marsali wants him there. She was calling for him. If Fergus doesn’t go and something should happen, he would never forgive himself. So, he needs to pull himself together and be the man that Marsali thinks he is. The man he promised her that he would be. Even if he has to fake it. And perhaps, when he sees her and their child, he won’t have to pretend.

Fergus Helps Marsali

Marsali is concerned that she will not survive her childbirth. The fact that Fergus is not there only makes it worse. She asks Claire for a piece of paper and some ink, so she can write her mother. Just in case. Claire assures her that she will be alright, and she will do everything in her power to make it so. Just then, Fergus arrives. He is tender to Marsali, speaking lovingly to her in French. Fergus then tells Claire that he learned in the Brothel when he was young that sometimes, when a woman is having a slow birth, massaging the expectant mothers’ breasts will help. He had done it for Marsali for one of their previous children and it helped. Claire told them she would step outside to give them some privacy. Soon that massage became much more.  When Brie and Jamie realized what was happening, they excused themselves to other rooms.

The Fate of the Cherokee

While they were waiting for Fergus to finish his “Labor” intensive work with Marsali, Brie went to the barn where she found Ian doing a Mohawk prayer for Marsali’s unborn baby. He asked her what she knew of the Cherokee people’s fate in the Revolutionary War. She told Ian that the results of the war would form the United States of America. United. Ian inquired if that would include the Cherokee. She told him that it should have included them, but it did not. They would be forced to leave their ancestral home as more and more settlers moved in. As strong as the Cherokee are, they would not be strong enough. But before Brie could explain further, she was told that Marsali had begun her labor in earnest. Apparently, Dr. Fergus had sped things along.

Unexpected Development

Marsali began pushing as Claire and Malva who was still shadowing Claire assisted her. Fergus sat with Jamie in the next room as both Ian and Brie entered to await the outcome. Soon, after one more push, they heard the baby start to cry. Jamie extended a hand to Fergus, inviting him to join his wife and see their new baby. Claire was swaddling the baby and then put it in Fergus’ arms. He spoke softly in French to the baby boy but then recoiled a bit. He said a word in French before handing the baby back to Claire and leaving the room. Their new baby was healthy baby boy, but he was a dwarf. As far as Marsali was concerned, the baby was beautiful.

Ian Takes a Stand

The next day, the Cherokee pay Jamie a visit. Chief Bird asks if Jamie had passed along his request for guns. He admitted that he chose not to and asked the Chief to trust him. This did not appear to sit well with the Chief, but he took his leave, promising Jamie, he would see him again. After the Cherokee left, Jamie told Ian, who had been watching, to speak his mind. He could tell the young man had something to say. Ian told Jamie he didn’t agree with his decision. After talking to Brie, he felt like that Indians had the right to defend themselves. Especially considering the way they will be treated in the future. He also tells Jamie that if would not help the Cherokee then he would. How, he had no idea.

The Meeting Place

Jamie sat on his porch cleaning his pistol, considering what Ian had said and his position on the matter. Brie came by and sat with him, noticing how stressed he was. Jamie expressed his wish that men were not so quick to solve things with guns and bullets. Brie attempted to change the subject, mentioning how quickly Tom and his people were building their church. Because of their time at Ardsmuir and the trouble that religion caused, Jamie was troubled by Tom leading a church. He went by to visit Tom and the church. Jamie asked Tom if he remembered the Freemason vows, they took. He said that he did. With that in mind, Jamie tells Tom that the church will be a “meeting place.” Open to ALL religions…and open to Claire. He follows that up with a warning to Tom that he better not hear of ANYONE accusing Claire of being a witch. Tom ponders for a moment and asks Jamie if he would need to take the steeple down? Jamie tells him no. It is a “bonnie” sight. They should put a bell in it. For all to hear…calling people to God…or their classes…at the meeting place.

Photo Credit: Starz

Changing His Mind

After Jamie leaves, Tom enters his home and Malva is there working. Tom looks for some milk but doesn’t find any as Malva had not had a chance to make some. He accuses her of spending too much time with Claire and not enough doing her chores. He aims to beat her for her “supposed” transgression. However, his bent fingers prevent him from holding his strap to administer her punishment. Malva realizes she has escaped his wrath and can’t help but smile slightly. He tells her to take that smirk from her face. But he realizes that his hand is more problematic than he realized. He changes his mind and will ask Claire to fix his hand. But she will only do so when his other hand with the cut has finished healing.

Passing Along the Request

On the way home from his visit with Tom, Jamie passes by Marsali’s home. Ian is there visiting and holding her and Fergus new baby. Jamie walks up to the house to enter but hears Ian talking to Marsali about the child that he and his Mohawk wife had had. Jamie didn’t know about that. But he learned no more about it as he decided to leave without visiting. He goes home and tells Claire what he had heard. They knew that Ian had mentioned something bad had happened with his wife, but that was all he had shared. And that was like pulling teeth. Jamie had also decided that he would pass along Chief Bird’s request for the guns. He knew that doing so presented a risk, but Ian was right. They deserved to be able to defend themselves. As for what would happen during the Revolution, they would have to see. He wrote a letter explaining the Cherokee’s position and would bring it to Major McDonald. He asked Claire to accompany him.


A lot is covered in this episode. Jamie has his first opportunity in his new position as Indian Agent and learns that it is not an easy job. Especially when the Cherokee make a request for guns from the crown. The fact that he really has no inside information as to what side the Cherokee take in the upcoming war for independence is troubling to him. The fact that Ian is conflicted about where his loyalties lie makes it worse. However, it is not surprising that Jamie decides to pass along Chief Bird’s request. The question will be, what will be the Cherokee reaction if the King declines their demands? Jamie can only relay the request. He has no sway over what the answer will be.


Loved how tickled Ian got when Jamie was being accosted by the Indian maids. He should have told them that HE was available for such visits. Speaking of Ian, we did get another small glimpse into his life with the Mohawk. We knew there was a wife in the picture, and something had happened during Ian’s time there that made him leave and come back to his family. We now know there was also a baby involved. Did something happen to the baby? To the wife?? Hopefully this will be revealed in a future episode.

Marsali and Fergus

The tragic story of Marsali and Fergus continues. It is no secret that the couple loves each other very much. But Fergus has had some self-esteem issues since he had his hand cut off as a boy. Now added with the guilt he feels about the whole Brown situation, it helps to explain his drinking problem. Unfortunately, when added to the fact that his newest son is a dwarf, this doesn’t bode well for them going forward. I get the feeling that Roger is going to be working overtime talking to Fergus. The boy has issues. Let’s hope he doesn’t take them out on Marsali or the new baby. Hopefully, they will work past it all. As I said last time, I like Marsali and Fergus.


Although Jamie addressed the whole “witchcraft” thing with Tom, I expect this is a problem that will not go away. With Malva bird-dogging Claire and watching her every move and asking a LOT of questions and Brie and her “magic” sticks, it’s just a matter of time before someone pushes the Lucifer card onto the table. Especially from someone from Tom’s parishioners.

So that’s two down, six to go in the abbreviated Sixth Season. I would expect there will continue to be a lot of storylines squeezed into each Episode to accommodate their shortened schedule. If it was done as well as Allegiance was, we should be good to go.  Outlander can be seen on Starz with new episodes on Sunday Night at 9:00 EST.

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