Helen Mullane
We were fortunate to interview writer Helen Mullane following the release of her first Humanoids book, “NicNevin and the Bloody Queen.” During the interview, we learned about the multifaceted author who, aside from writing, dedicated her free time to sled dog racing. Subsequently, we reconnected with her to discuss her collaborative work with Kev Sherry and artist Katia Vecchio on the Humanoids’ title “Painted.”
Helen is currently collaborating with the gifted artist Tula Lotay on ComiXology Original’s ‘Groupies,’ described as “a beautiful, sad, and haunting look at the music industry of the 60s/70s.” Following the release of the first issue, we had the opportunity to catch up with Helen to discuss her recent activities and the thrilling new series with Tula Lotay. Please join us in welcoming back writer Helen Mullane to GVN Talking Comics.
Always Learning and Improving
GVN: Thank you for spending more time with us, Helen. Previously, we discussed your debut graphic novel for Humanoids, NicNevin and the Bloody Queen, and your work with Kev Sherry and Artist Katia Vecchio on Painted (also for Humanoids). Since your first work on NicNevin, what have you learned and improved upon in your writing and collaborating with your artists?
HM: Thanks, Martin. I appreciate Geek Vibes Nation’s ongoing support of new creators. I think my writing has come along in leaps and bounds in the last few years. This last year I even undertook a master’s in creative writing! That was a really fun and rewarding experience, spending a year looking at my work in a very granular way. Over the course of our series, the reader will share the POV of five groupies. This varied and in-depth characterization, and the challenge of moving forward in time through a singular story while expressing five different personalities, isn’t something I would have had the confidence to tackle a few years ago.
I think that every time you collaborate with an artist, it is different. Over these past few years I’ve been lucky to work with a range of amazing talents and I’ve learned that it’s always worth having a chat as you set out on the journey together, and asking how they prefer to work. Tula Lotay likes to keep things pretty loose rather than prescriptive as she works in this amazing immersive way. For other artists they might need more detail in order to feel comfortable to do their best work.
The Fun of Comic Cons
GVN: Now that you have several comic works in your resume, have you had the opportunity to attend any comic cons or festivals and if so, what was that experience like?
HM: I have! In fact, I started going to cons before I ever wrote a comic. I used to go to MCM every year when I worked in film marketing, and I went to Thought Bubble, Bristol and NYCC off my own back at various points. For aspiring creators, I really recommend getting out there to the cons – or just to your local con – and getting to know people. It’s such an invaluable way to get to know people and to connect with other creators.
I always loved the conventions – the atmosphere, the excitement, that feeling of a community coming together… But then going as a pro is a whole different ballgame! As I write this, I’m only just recovered from NYCC, where me and Lisa were supporting Groupies, and she was also supporting the excellent Somna’s new hardback edition. That was a wild experience – I last went almost twenty years ago and it feels like the con has at least doubled in size.
Dog Sledding
GVN: Before we jump into your newest series Groupies with the talented Tula Lotay (Lisa Wood), I would be remiss if I didn’t ask if you are still into dog sled racing. You remain the ONLY comic creator I know of with that particular skill set.
HM: Haha – I’m not racing at the moment. In 2023 I moved to Ireland to undertake a masters and I’ve ended up staying. I’m still close to various mushers who are dedicating their whole lives to the sport, so I’ll certaintly be back ‘on the runners’ at some point. For now, though I am challenging myself to see what happens if I dedicate myself entirely to writing.
“Groupies” and the Talented Lula Tolay
GVN: As I mentioned, your latest book series is entitled Groupies for Comixology Originals featuring art by Tula Lotay. Please tell us about how this story came about and your partnership with Tula.
HM: I’ve always wanted to work with Tula Lotay – I’m a huge fan of her art, she’s such an extraordinary talent. Then one Thought Bubble, we had the chance to hang out and just really connected. She’s an extraordinarily knowledgeable movie buff and we spent a whole night just vibing out over old Italian horror movies, weird movies, extreme movies. It was one of those very animated and excitable late-night chats that can be half the fun of the convention scene!
Later, when I thought of the concept for Groupies, Tula Lotay was the first creator on my mind. I felt that her style drawing a story about groupies, with all the fashion and the sexiness and the darkness, would be a match made in heaven (hell?). Luckily, she agreed, and the rest is history!
Work Process
GVN: When it came to your work process, did you provide Tula with a full script or just an outline. How much input did you have, or did you just turn her loose and wait to see what magic came from it?
HM: What I’ve provided has varied a little from issue to issue. At the start of the process, I asked Tula how she likes to work. She sent me a couple of examples of scripts that she liked working from, and I tried to imitate that level of information. I sent an awful lot of references and have a jam-packed Pinterest for the book that all the team members are able to access. All that said, fundamentally working with such an extraordinary talent, you’re really just giving her the minimal information she needs and then watching from the sidelines as she weaves her magic.
The Gods of Commerce
GVN: If Groupies is well received, do you have an idea for a 2nd volume or did you write it as a single series?
HM: I wrote this as a self-contained series, but the world is so fun I think there’s broad scope to write more amazing stories. As ever, the gods of commerce will dictate how far we’re able to go!
Check Out “Groupies”
GVN: Thank you once again, Helen. As always, before I let you go, I want to give you a chance to talk once more about Groupies and any other projects you might have started.
HM: So just to give your readers the hard sell for a moment (haha) – Groupies asks what would happen if a huddle of groupies on a national tour with a rock and roll superstar started to see something amiss in their world? Strung out groupies that no one respects, noticing the disappearance of other, equally disposable young girls that no one cares about. Our story is trippy, sexy and violent and the art is astounding. Out now from Comixology Originals!

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.