Hollywood is Producing an Unboxing Movie

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”10258″ img_size=”575×350″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Unboxing videos are popular in the world of Youtube. From food gurus, makeup talent, and gamers, Youtube stars will frequently receive gifts from either fans or companies to promote on their channel. And it’s because a popular spectacle to open up said box to reveal the contents for viewers. They’re interesting and fun, but would you want to see a movie centered around it? Hey, they made troll dolls and emoji films, so an unboxing one was bound to be next…right?

Paramount Players, according to Deadline; has acquired a script for an Unboxing movie. This film will center around an eleven-year-old Youtube star who unboxes her father’s safe for views, but is, in fact, unleashing a treacherous Pick and his evil band of misfits on a small town.

Unboxing videos essentially became popular back in 2006 and some Youtube stars could spend up to an hour just revealing what has been sent to them and talking about whatever product is inside.

How do you feel about this movie? Is Hollywood grasping at straws?

Source: CB[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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