Immortal Hulk #13 Retcons Hulk’s Origin

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”15975″ img_size=”800×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Spoilers for Immortal Hulk #13 ahead!

The Hulk’s origin is probably one of the most well-known in the Marvel universe. Bruce Banner was a scientist who specialized in gamma radiation, having helped design a gamma bomb. Due to seeing a young boy in the test site, he rushed to save the boy, ultimately exposing him to unsafe levels of gamma radiation that changed Banner into what we now know as the Hulk.

Now Marvel is retconning this, with adding supernatural elements to his origin. Immortal Hulk is now unkillable, smarter, and more cunning. Different than what we know as the Hulk. This new personality has been dubbed “Devil Hulk”. This ties into the “Green Door”, which is a gateway that connects all the different planes of reality to a level of hell that is below all the other versions that previously existed in the Marvel Universe.

The gamma radiation has magical elements that can weaken the barrier between the physical realm and this level of hell. Exposure will open the Green Door, making the Hulk the greatest of the avatars, but also includes Sasquatch and Absorbing Man.

What do you guys think of this? Get your hands on #31 and let us know!

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