Kylo Ren To Get New Super Weapon In Star Wars Episode IX?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”9368″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Another rumor has surfaced for Star Wars episode 9. This rumor is about another super weapon.

This is what the leak said

“Specifically, a description of Kylo Ren inside his throne room, assumed to be the headquarters of the First Order, viewing a holgram form a device held in his hand.

“Kylo appears to be examining three large superweapons that are in a cyllindrical shape with an enormous engine on each side of each superweapon of this ship/weapon, destroying terrain on a planet. The engine burner is coloured red and the blast from the bottom of these three massive weapons is coloued blue, impacting a surface causing astronomical destruction. Parts of the weapon seem to be under consruction and not finished.”

I’m tired these super weapons like most of you are, but if these rumors are true what do you think they are? comment down below.

source: Express UK


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