Miles Morales Co-Creator Shares Image To Thank Fans For Their Support

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With Sony’s Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse approaching $100 mil at the box office and both audiences and critics singing it’s praises, co-creator artist Sara Pichelli recently took to Instagram to thank fans for their support.

Thanks for all the congrats  and the love shared after you watched Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Here is the image I created for the movie, it was amazing seeing this on the big screen.

Pichelli along with co-creator, writer Brian Michael Bendis have a lot to be thankful for. With the success that Into the Spiderverse is enjoying, is there really any doubt that a sequel will eventually be finding its way to big screen? Have you had a chance to see Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse? If so, What were your impressions? Is a sequel a forgone conclusion in your opinion? Share your thoughts with us at GVNation.

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