Paramount+ ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Season 2 Episode 1: ‘Strange Energies’ Review

When Last Season Ended

Last year, CBS/All Access, now known as Paramount+, released the first season of their animated Star Trek themed show, Star Trek: Lower Decks. It was centered around a group of Starfleet newbies who were trying to make a name for themselves in Starfleet. For the most part. However, Ensign Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) really had other plans. Her Mother, Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) was the Captain of the current ship she was serving on, the USS Cerritos. Mariner was hoping with enough insubordination she could force her Mother into releasing her from Starfleet. But instead, Captain Freeman gave her even more autonomy.

She now worked for the Captain on various side missions. Much to the chagrin of Freeman’s EXO, Jack Ransom (Jerry O’ Connell). He felt that Mariner was interfering with his place on the ship and his professional career. If that wasn’t enough going on for Mariner, her best friend on the ship, Ensign Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) transferred to the USS Titan under the command of Captain William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes). He did this without saying goodbye to Mariner and she is still upset about it. Which leads us into the Second Season of Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Episode One: Strange Energies

The USS Cerritos is finishing up a Second Contact Mission on Planet Aprigos. All that remains is for the ruling dignitary to select a subspace communication number and their mission is complete. Meanwhile, Ensign Mariner has decided that a little spring cleaning is in order on Aprigos. Her feeling is if she shows them how good their structures look clean, perhaps they will take it upon themselves to clean up the rest. Of course, her Mother agrees to this as all “cool” Mom’s would. It all seems simple enough. Get the Aprigosian Ruler to select a communication number and clean a few buildings. Easy Peasy. But not on Star Trek.

Holding the Planet for Ransom

As the Aprigosian Ruler ponders which number has the right “gravitas,” Mariner begins to clean up some of the local structures. At first, this is going well as the locals are fascinated by the covered artwork on their buildings. Until Mariner accidentally triggers some kind of device that is triggered by the planet’s sun. Apparently, the dirt that had been blocking the device was left there on purpose. Once activated, the discharge of the device strikes Commander Ransom. This is particular bad news for Lt. Commander Stephens (Ben Rodgers) who worships the ground Ransom walks on. Ransom eventually transforms into a high powered being with Godlike Aspirations. Thus it is Mariner’s job, along with Captain Freeman to somehow bring Ransom down from his God Complex.

Cure Worse than the Disease

Meanwhile on ship, Ensign Tendi (Noël Wells) is concerned about her friend Ensign Rutherford (Eugene Cordero). Since his recent new Cyborg Implant, Tendi feels like Rutherford is changing. He suddenly likes pears, not to mention his recent dalliance’s with Ensign Barnes (Jessica McKenna) also has her concerned (jealous?). She fears that his new implant is affecting him with what she calls SMD (Synthetic Memory Degradation) and she aims to help him. Whether he wants her to or not. Unfortunately for Rutherford, this means if she has to shock, shoot or rip his implant out, that’s what she is willing to do…for her friend. How Sweet.

Back on the planet, the Ransom Deity is taking control and resists all attempts to subdue him. The ship’s Physician Dr. T’Ana (Gillian Vigman) beams down and tells the Captain that Ransom is the victim of “Strange Energies.” The last time such an event happened was back with Commander Gary Mitchell (Gary Lockwood) on the original Starship Enterprise. In that case, Captain James Kirk resolved the situation by dropping a huge rock on Mitchell. Sounds like a last ditch solution. Will the crew resolve the Ransom problem? Will Rutherford prove to Tendi he doesn’t suffer from  SMD? That’s what watching the episode is for. Get to it. That’s an Order.


One of the charms of Star Trek: Lower Decks last season, besides bringing in a fresh cast and the first animation since Star Trek the Animated Series, was the homage they paid to the different original Star Trek series, whether this was TOS, TNG, or DS9. This still is true as we begin the Second Season. This time, as they refer to the 2nd Star Trek TOS Pilot “Where No Man Has Gone Before” and Commander Gary Mitchell. Complete with light up eyes and an issue with the current Captain. They do mix it up a bit with the manifestations of Ransom’s powers. Many done with great comic effect. We even get a Stan Lee reference. “Excelsior!” I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention Ben Rodger’s’s turn at Lt. Commander Stephens who channeled his inner “David Spade from The Coneheads” as he genuflected over Ransom at every turn. When combined with witty dialogue and a “kicking” resolution, Strange Energies was a solid start to the Second Season with a 4 out of 5.

You can watch the first episode of Season 2 of Star Trek: Lower Decks now on Paramount+. A new Episode will be released every Thursday during its 10 Episode Run.

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