Plot Details for Upcoming Elseworlds Event Revealed

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”10324″ img_size=”810×610″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The upcoming crossover event on CW for the Arrowverse, dubbed “Elseworlds”; now has some plot details revealed from Entertainment Weekly. Check it out!

“The three-night event begins with Arkham Asylum doc John Deegan (Lost’s Jeremy Davies) rewriting reality, which results in Oliver (Amell) and Barry (Gustin) swapping lives. In this new reality, Oliver Queen looks like Gustin and Barry Allen looks like Amell, and the two heroes are the only ones who know they’re in the wrong lives and have each other’s powers.”

The Flash star, Grant Gustin, went further into explaining what it will be like when the two heroes, he and Oliver; have seemingly switched identities:

“You’re not going to see me playing Oliver Queen’s mannerisms, or Stephen playing Barry’s mannerisms. It’s more being aware that for some reason we’ve switched lives and destinies. It’s more the fun of the situational comedy that we keep finding ourselves in, and less us having a complete role reversal,” Gustin tells EW. “We get to see Stephen do some of the more goofy speed stuff I have to do on a regular basis, and I get some actual combat as Green Arrow. So, we just see different colors for each of us.”

We’ve all seen the pictures, which we can all admit threw us for a loop! Seeing The Flash wearing the Green Arrow costume and vice versa was surreal and Arrow star Stephen Amell commented on it:

“Having superpowers is crazy! Wearing the Flash suit is crazy! The idea is that in order to be the best version of Barry Allen, which I have to be because we face a threat, there are elements of his personality I have to embrace, and there are elements of my personality that he has to embrace.”

Supergirl star Melissa Benoist explained her reaction when first reading the script; her character is pulled into the crossover when she is the only one who can see what’s happening with Barry and Oliver.

“My initial reaction in reading the scripts this year was that it would be a hoot to film. The comedy just lives in this. Even just seeing them in each other’s suits is funny; they’re literally putting themselves in each other’s shoes! …[Kara] inevitably becomes kind of a middleman because ultimately there’s conflict between the two and they start butting heads.”

We’re clearly up for a crazy ride in this year’s crossover. Are you excited? Let us know!

Source: CB[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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