Punisher’s Ben Barnes Wants To Play BATMAN

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”3261″ img_size=”800×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Are you in the middle of The Punisher season two? How great is Ben Barnes as Billy Russo? Barnes’s inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has constantly reshaped the character’s comic book origin, from making Russo the best friend of Frank Castle, to the new take he’s had on the comic book classic character Jigsaw. Frankly, Barnes is a joy to watch in any series he’s in, from The Punisher, to Westworld; and frankly, people have even imagined him as the next James Bond. But what about stepping into the DC realm?

In an interview with Heroic Hollywood along with Amber Rose Revah, the idea of Barnes taking up the Batman mantle was proposed, and Barnes responded as such:

Ben Barnes: I accept.

Amber Rose Revah: I thought Ben would make an amazing Catwoman, but he’s make an alright Batman too.

Ben Barnes: I was just saying earlier to one of the journalists. I came across recently this picture of me when and I’m about 4 years old. And I have a little bit of string around my neck with a yellow piece of paper and a black bat drawn on the bit of paper. It is the saddest little Batman costume you’ve ever seen. I think that would be up there for me in something to try and find a new way to do. I think the way Christian Bale did it where he completely reinvented it which is a little bit what I was trying to do with Jigsaw in season 2. We never refer to him as Jigsaw necessarily so it didn’t feel quite honest to do exactly what they did in the Warzone comics and stuff but to find a new way around things is an interesting thing. With TV and movies these days you have find a way to make it new, fresh and interesting. So, yeah that would be pretty cool thought.

Amber Rose Revah: I look forward to the new iteration of Batman via Ben Barnes, directed by Amber Rose.

While some are still hoping for Be Affleck to return, which is unlikely for Matt Reeves’s The Batman; without a Bruce Wayne yet cast, perhaps Barnes would make a great, modern-day Caped Crusader? What do you think? And how have you been enjoying The Punisher season two?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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