Review: Ahoy Comics -‘Ash and Thorn’ #4 by Mariah McCourt and Soo Lee

There are many definitions for the word hero. One such definition is as follows: a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage or strength. However, there is no designation that says said hero is limited to a certain age. In fact, hero’s or heroines can be found at any age. However, the definition does state that the hero must FACE the danger. That is exactly what Lottie Thorn is doing as we reach issue 4 of Ahoy’s Ash and Thorn


When we last left our story, Lottie and her Guardian Peruvia had entered a dream world where each had been given a choice. Lottie could just accept the fate of the world being destroyed, and she would be sent back to live out her life. She would be oblivious to the doom coming her way. Or she could fight, knowing that her efforts would likely end in futility. Lottie IS a hero, and chose the latter.

Peruvia was given the chance to have powers of her own instead of being in the shadows of her champions. But she would have to use her new powers to aid in the  upcoming Apocalypse. It was the ‘If you can’t beat them, join them” scenario. Peruvia chose to take those powers. Much to Lottie’s disappointment. Now, she needed to talk Peruvia down.

Peruvia’s Thinking

As Peruvia relished her new powers, Lottie asked her why she had accepted the offer. She said it was because all her life, she had waited, depending on the powers of another to do what needed to be done.  That time came and it was all wrong. Their champion was an old woman. It was absurd. So why should she be satisfied being a mere sidekick when SHE could be the power.

The Illusion of Power

Lottie attempted to tell her that such power is an illusion. It is a lie. But Peruvia would have none of it. Why should they fight the inevitable?

“Because it’s wrong? Because millions will die??”offered Lottie.

Wrong?? What was wrong was depending on a tired old woman to save the day. If it was inevitable, why not embrace it instead of fighting it.

“Because it is the easy way out, the Cowards Way!!”

Lottie thought to shame her new friend into reason. Peruvia cared not what Lottie or anyone else thought. With her new powers, she perceives Lottie as small…weak…OLD! She strikes her down with her new power. (Strange way to prove you don’t care what people think).

But Lottie was no coward, she would face her old mentor. But Sarah has other ideas. She had been practicing spells from Peruvia’s books. Using one, she made Peruvia disappear. Only then could Lottie admit, what Peruvia had done to her had hurt. As for Peruvia, she went to visit Court.

Pickle’s Solution

When faced with danger, there are always choices to be made. One could face the danger (see Lottie). You could switch sides to be on the “winning” team (see Peruvia). Or one can just accept defeat and surrender to it. Surrender, meet Pickle. While Lottie recovered from Peruvia’s attack with an ice pack on her head, Pickle proposed acquiescence.

Its always about the Fight

You cannot win. Especially now that Peruvia had turned. She was your only hope to even have a chance of winning. Time to give up. Let the world end. There are other worlds. He has seen them.

But another trait of heroes is apparently super stubbornness. This was HER world. She’d be damned if she would give up without making a fight of it. Pickle reiterates that it’s a fight she will lose. Lottie doesn’t care. Sometimes winning isn’t the point. It ALWAYS about the fight! Even the pragmatic being Pickle is had to admit, Lottie IS a hero. So what is their plan?

Sarah had been perusing Peruvia’s books while Lottie and Pickle debated fight or flight. She thinks she might have found some weapons for the upcoming conflict. And it should be right down Lottie’s Alley.

A Dining Invitation

Court too has an offer to make. Another choice for Peruvia. He sees that she now knows it’s all about  POWERi. Those who are willing to accept it, wield it. He has been to countless worlds. Tasted the power of their blood. Their life force. This world he has been sampling on for a long time. Waiting for it to ripen. That time is approaching.

However, during the time spent devouring different worlds, it was inevitable that some cosmic feathers might have gotten ruffled. Enemies made. Because of that, he has suffered some setbacks. But perhaps, he needs someone to share his appetite with…to talk to, to feast along side him. That someone could be Peruvia, if she accepts.

Weapons Baked In

During Sarah’s exploration of Peruvia’s books, she has found recipes. Ones that appear to be possible weapons in their fight. How perfect is that. Lottie can make weapons doing what she does best. Selections like Battle Scones, Pancakes for Ending the World, or Cake or Death. (Eddie Izzard would approve). Lottie was dubious, especially since she had found her last few attempts at baking to be wanting. Sarah, however had faith in Lottie. They could do this. So Battle Scones it was…

After their first recipe, the kitchen indeed looked like a war zone. But the Battle Scones were complete, with Magic baked in. Next up, Crumpets of Doom.

The Universe through Court’s Eyes

Meanwhile, Peruvia had accepted Courts offer. He drew her into his world. A world of power, endless hunger, omniscience. She could see it. See EVERYTHING. There was only one place to go now.

Sarah and Lottie had completed their baking. So now what? Their answer apparently appeared outside their kitchen window. They stared outside not believing what they saw. Perhaps, the Court Couple had arrived? Only issue 5 has those answers.


Having reaches the penultimate issue for this series, certain things are definitely clear. Lottie Thorn IS a hero. Not because she has special powers. If comic book history has shown us, anyone can have powers. It’s what you choose to do with them. While she has super strength, Lottie’s main power was something she has undoubtedly had before then. Strength of character and courage.

It is the courage to face down a certain defeat, knowing that, and choosing to fight regardless. Even Pickle recognized that. In truth, the same might be said of young Sarah. She has decided to get involved based almost solely on her faith in Lottie. Perhaps Faith is a super power in its own right. Miss McCourt has created a grande pallet to explore these issues, through the eyes of the wisdom of age. I look forward to seeing how she ties it all together.


With every issue (and every Twitch stream) I gain admiration in Miss Lee’s craft. There is a simple elegance to her work. Even when doing a multi-eyed Devourer of Worlds. When added to the vibrant color work of Miss Bowland, panels continue to pop and lead us along on Lottie’s journey. Also, another stunning cover from Miss Thompson. Part of the fun of Ash and Thorn is seeing the next whimsical creation of this talented artist.


By now you know that Ahoy always throws in some extra text stories in their issues. Ash and Thorn#4 is no different. Check out Redhead by Martyn Pedler, Color by Carol Lay and Strike Anywhere by Kirk Vanderbeek. Of course, another entry in the recipe store of Pickle’s Pantry is also available.


So there is only one issue left in this storyline. What will happen in the upcoming battle? Will Lottie find a way to prevail? Does Peruvia succumb to the evil plans of Court? Call me old fashioned, but I have to believe there is more to Peruvia’s decision making process than meets the eye? Could there be a plan in the works? Will Pickle have a roll to play? (besides licking the contents out of baking bowls).

The fact that there are unanswered questions means McCourt, Lee and company have done their job. Time to bring it home. Have young read the Ash and Thorn series to this point? If not, catch up so you’ll be ready for the final. If you have, what do YOU think is going on here?! Share your opinions and what you think is going to happen here at Geek Vibes Nation.

PS. Look for our exclusive interview with Ash and Thorn Editor Sarah Litt, coming soon here on GVN.

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