Rocksteady’s Superman Game Rumored Online

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”10961″ img_size=”1100×600″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]While there have been murmurs and whispers surrounding a possible Superman game via Rocksteady, it seems that fans can take comfort in that has listed such game under the “Action, Adventure” genre. While there is no release date yet, seeing it up could very well mean that a Superman game is at least in development. Keep in mind, this is the same site that accidentally leaked the Devil May Cry V game, which was then announced a month later.

With the Game Awards less than two weeks away it’s possible we could see a look at Rocksteady’s Superman: World’s Finest soon! These are all just rumors of course, but considering the timeline of other such leaked games, this could be a good sign. Superman: World’s Finest would be an insanely popular game and the Game Awards would be the place to announce something like this, along with a first look.

Are you looking forward to Rocksteady’s Superman game? Let us know!

Source: CB

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