Ryan Reynolds Says He Is Working On ‘DEADPOOL 3’ Now

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”13889″ img_size=”857×447″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The Deadpool franchise finally got its China debut thanks to a PG-13 release of the film. Once Upon A Deadpool, now called Deadpool 2: I Love My Family will debut in China this week and Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds, flew out to Beijing to promote the film. While there Ryan spoke about the potential third film in the franchise saying that his team is currently working on “Deadpool 3”. Reynolds also mentioned that the third film might “go in a completely different direction” and that “often they reboot or change a character maybe like four movies too late”.

Reynolds also joked that the title for Deadpool 3 should be called “Deadpool 3: Little Bitchy Bitch”

The status of Deadpool 3 under the Fox label seems very unclear at this point and the looming sale to Disney being finalized is only months away. Disney CEO Robert Iger has said there is a place for Deadpool but they would look at fitting it under a Marvel R rated brand

It [Deadpool] clearly has been and will be Marvel branded. But we think there might be an opportunity for a Marvel-R brand for something like Deadpool. As long as we let the audiences know what’s coming, we think we can manage that fine.

Another X-Men franchise film that was supposed to come after Deadpool 2, X-Force, seems shelved at Fox which does not really bode well for Deadpool 3 being made under the Fox label. There is a chance that once the deal with Fox and Disney are complete they will put both X-Force and Deadpool 3 into production. The last two expected X-Men films under the Fox umbrella are Dark Phoenix and New Mutants. There was a report earlier this weekend that Fox might actually push the New Mutants to a Hulu release instead of theaters.

Do you think we will actually see Deadpool 3? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Source: Variety [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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