Samuel L. Jackson Wants To Keep Playing Nick Fury

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”13160″ img_size=”800×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]There have been many constants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but when it comes to the guy who has brought everyone together, we have to look no further than Nick Fury. Portrayed perfectly and ironically by Samuel L. Jackson, it’s easy to think that this adaptation of Nick Fury will forever be around. Although characters live on forever in the comics, people in real life have contracts and studios are just as much a business as any. Jackson’s contract reportedly ended with Captain Marvel, although we do know he’s in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Jackson says, though; he is up to reprise his role in the future:

“I could be the Alec Guinness of Marvel movies,” the actor joked.

This is certainly great news. It’s hard to believe Fury not being in the MCU and we, the fans; are always happy to see him on screen. Jackson does feel, though; that there was one MCU movie that he wanted to be in, but wasn’t allowed to:

“I couldn’t [star in it] either,” Jackson said on the Ellen DeGeneres show, “When they were making it I kept saying ‘so when do I go to Wakanda’ and they were like (shakes his head no). I was like Nick Fury can’t… can I just walk down the street in Wakanda so they know that I know it’s there? Because I know it’s there! I mean Nick Fury knows every black thing that’s on the planet, so he’s gotta know about Wakanda, but I wish I had been there, but I’m really, really pleased with the success of the film and how it worked out and eventually I may end up in Wakanda.”

Fury may not have been in the first Black Panther, but maybe we can get him in the sequel? Either way, we’re promised a lot of screen time for the former director of SHIELD in Captain Marvel and we know we’ll see him in Spider-Man: Far From Home!

Source: CB[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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