Spider-Man: Far From Home – Trailer Breakdown

So the trailer for Marvels 3rd film of this year, Spider-Man: Far From Home has just dropped and honestly it was a lot better than I was anticipating. There’s plenty to dive into here and discuss as well as a fair amount of speculation to be had so let’s not waste any more time and just get straight into it. Oh, and how cool does this poster look?

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The trailer starts off with something I instantly loved. Not only are Peter and Aunt May working together but they appear to be at a charity event at a homeless shelter. Any PS4 owners getting Deja Vu? Whether or not this was intentional, which I doubt, or more of a happy accident it was really cool to see this as a small nod to the game and it really sold the “Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man” vibe that Peter wanted at the end of Homecoming.


As for how laid back May appears to be about what Peter does she’s clearly changed her tune from the end of Homecoming. Maybe she saw the good her Nephew could do as Spiderman and I’d guess she probably doesn’t know about the dusting Peter got in Inifinty War but either way seeing them work together like this was cool.

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As for the next few shots, I will say I really buy into Peters awkwardness here mainly because I’m feeling exactly the same way. I just don’t like the idea of Happy and May being in a relationship, it just feels a bit forced for laughs in my opinion. Maybe my thoughts will change when I see the movie but right now I’m not loving this angle as much.


I absolutely loved seeing some classic shots of Spidey Swinging through New York and I really liked how they were mixed in with various shots of him just preparing for his trip like any normal person. That also looks like the old Avengers Tower being worked on in the background which could hint to a few things. Either Oscorp which I know many fans desperately want to be introduced into the MCU or it could be a very early set up for the Baxter Building if Kevin Feige is really that confident in his future with those characters. Personally, my money is on Oscorp but I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

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One of many missable details here is Ben Parker’s initials on Peters suitcase, possibly hinting at the MCU finally acknowledging him and bringing him into Peters life. Thats looking even more possible with the Mysterio illusion theory thats floating around but I’ll talk more on that later. I also really love the idea of Peter leaving his suit at home for the trip. The idea that Peter and Spider-Man are separate people is a really interesting dynamic and it gave off a “coming of age” vibe for Peter.


Next up we get a few shots of the students in Venice which not only looks the best out of all the locations they visit but is the one I think will be the most interesting, mainly due to Hydro-Man we see a little later on.


Really liked seeing Peter and MJ together in this scene, especially because of how well Tom and Zendaya play off of each other. Again that awkward coming of age vibe was pretty strong here and I’m excited to see exactly how they build up their relationship after Homecoming.

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So next we have one of the best parts of the trailer, Furry finally meeting up with Peter. Now, instantly the internet erupts with “Skrull!” and “Illusion!” but for now let’s assume that this is Nick speaking with Peter, I can already tell I’m going to love their dynamic, although this scene did leave me wondering what exactly the point of Peters Spidey Sense is. How did Peter not know he was sat right there? Either way, Im excited to see more of Furry, and Hill for that matter in Far From Home.


Speaking of, next up we get a really cool shot of the pair taking on the first elemental of the trailer; Sandman. Despite my theories on the elemntals, I think it’s pretty sweet seeing Sandman on screen again and it’s a cool way to plant the seed if they ever want to use the ACTUAL character later down the line.

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Next up we got a couple shots of a pretty epic looking battle going down on London Bridge. I’ve seen a few people jump to this being electro’s doing but I doubt it, It is most likely yet another Mysterio Illusion to play into his plan. This combined with the Hydro-Man fight in Venice means Far From Home is shaping up to be a pretty big thrill ride come summer.


we get a quick shot of Molten-Man, a character I’ll admit I know nothing about and I feel I’ll be in the majority there, however Similar to Hydro-Man who we see at the end of the trailer Molten-Man is sure to give us some pretty impressive battle’s either against Spidey himself or even Mysterio.


We finally get a proper look at the “Stealth Suit” which many fans are infuriatingly calling the “Noir” suit. All joking aside though I actually really like the look of the suit, its a nice change from his first suit from Tony, the Iron-Spider suit, and his new suit in this movie. For how long he’ll wear this suit is anyone’s guess but I hope it plays a big part because I’m really digging it.

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Finally the main attraction for most of us. Mysterio. I will say that in the first shot I saw Jake Gyllenhaal first and Mysterio second but the following shots with him taking on Hydro-Man more than makes us for it. He looks absolutely incredible and is way more comics accurate than I was expecting. seriously he is easily one of the best looking MCU villains to date so let’s all hope that there’s some real substance to him and not just all looks. Now, as for that Mysterio theory, it claims that the attacks by the various Elementals are simply illusions created by Mysterio so he can swoop in and “save the day” to look like the hero. I totally buy into this theory after watching this trailer but also because it makes so much sense from a marketing and business perspective. If large chunks of the movie are simply illusions it will help massively with spoilers from Endgame and spoilers for Far From Home itself. Also how cool do Mysterio’s powers look? Really intrigued to see their explanation for them.

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The trailer ends of a pretty lighthearted note, with a fun gag from Flash about Spider-Man and a remark on how Mysterio is like “Thor and Ironman rolled into one” with the students watching a report on Mysterio’s battle with Hydro-Man.

Overall I really loved this trailer. As a huge Spider-Man fan it was great hearing the classic theme, finally seeing this Peter Swinging around New York City, and seeing such a fantastic comic accurate Mysterio. Plus the trailer did a phenominal job of getting me hyped up for this movie and leaving me bread crumbs for it but not giving away anything for Endgame. For all things, Marvel and far From Home keep it right here at GeekVibesNation.

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