STARZ, ‘The Outlander‘ – Season 5, Episode 11 – ‘JourneyCakes’ Recap and Review

STARZ The Outlander has reached the penultimate episode of Season 5. With the Revolutionary War only a few years away, Claire and Jamie know that there are trying times ahead. And while Stephen Bonnet is no more, there are other things on the horizon to resolve. One of these includes whether Roger and Brianne will attempt to return to the future to avoid the coming conflict.  That decision may depend on whether their son Jeremiah can pass through the stones. In addition, there is the matter of Ulysses and his killing of Forbes. (Good riddance I say!) Not to mention what had happened to Young Ian and the Mohawk. So many questions, so little episodes. But you can’t answer the questions without moving forward, so let’s see what happened in JourneyCakes written by book writer Diana Galbadan.

A Tragedy Found

This episode starts with the family returning from a shopping trip. Claire has purchased a bag of peanuts. She explains that Jeremiah (their grandson) will not go through life without knowing the joys of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As they travel, they come upon a tragedy in the form of a burning cabin. There are bodies in the cabin and an arrow found in one of the bodies. Wanting to confirm if there is anyone who might have escaped the fire, they fan out to search and call out for possible survivors. Roger finds a girl, badly burned but still alive. They realize that she will not survive and Jamie starts to reach over to smother the girl to mercifully end her life. Roger intervenes and tells him he will do it. So as Rogers covers her nose and mouth, tears fill his eyes as Jamie says a prayer to welcome her into her eternal home. They then bury the entire family before going on to home.

Jeremiah’s Ticket is Punched

Back at the house a few days later, Ian is playing keep-away with Jeremiah in the front yard. He’s using Otter Tooth’s opal, which Claire found in an earlier season. When he handles the stone, the little boy complains it is hot to the touch. For his part, Ian says it’s not, but then as Jeremiah holds the stone, it cracks in two. Claire, Jamie, Bree and Roger come over to see what’s going on. After examining the stone, they also can feel the opal’s warmth and hear it making a noise. Jeremiah says he can also hear it while Ian and Jamie cannot. Jamie and Claire immediately know the results of this discovery. They know this means Bree and her family won’t stick around the 18th century much longer, because Jeremiah can sense the stone and can pass through with his family.

The Committee of Safety

But before anything can be discussed about this event,  Lionel and Richard Brown ride up with a large number of men.  They want to talk to Jamie about the “committee of safety“ they’ve just created. Their fear is that since the Crown appears to no longer be around to secure their safety, it is up to them to do so.  Richard cites the recent attacks like the burning cabins. Jamie explains that he too had found such a cabin. He then tells the Browns that he’ll consider their request that he and his men join their cause. In the meantime, Claire notices that Lionel appears to have a festering wound. She brings Lionel inside to look at a wound on his leg.

It doesn’t take a mind reader to see that Clair’s not happy to see him. This certainly does not escape Lionel’s notice. Part of that might have to do with Brown breaking her syringe that she used for penicillin injections upon their previous encounter. He also is quite aware that she thinks that he shot Isaiah Morton in the back during the Battle of Alamance. While he would not admit to it, he also didn’t deny it.  But for his part, he points out that he was merely a father trying to get justice for his dishonored daughter. Considering the events of the last episode, this is certainly something Claire should understand. The Browns take their leave with the hope that Jamie will make up his mind soon.

Young Ian wants Answers

Later, Ian comes to Claire and Jamie and asks them if they want to talk about what happened with the opal. Ian starts out by explaining all of the unique things that surround Claire and Jamie. He then produces Otter Tooth’s journal, which is in Latin. Ian hands the book to Jamie who translates the writings. He reads that Otter Tooth didn’t exactly know “when” he was, but he knew he was too late. Claire examines the book and notates that Otter Tooth wrote with a ball point pen. Ian asks what that is and finally asks: “Who or what are ye?” he demands. Jamie realizes that he cannot avoid Ian’s questions any longer. He defers to Claire who takes a takes a moment, and attempts to explain.

A Tale of Two Times

She tells him she comes from another time. From 200 years into the future. As she continues her tale, Ian goes from initial confusion but quickly moves on from wonder to astonishment. As far as he knew, this explained a lot of things. He quickly surmised that she must be a fairy. Clair looks bemused by Ian’s assertion, but she corrects him by telling him that she’s hardly a supernatural creature. After taking in this information, it doesn’t take Ian long to realize that Roger and Bree are time-travelers, as well. Jamie closes the door as they continue to answer Ian’s questions.

A relatively sad moment comes the next day when Ian asks if he can go through the stones too. He wants to see if he can undo something that happened between a man and his wife. His query brought into more focus what his problem was upon his arrival. But not enough to understand what went on. He is sad when he is told it could not happen. Because he did not feel the warmth of the stone or hear it. He could not go through.

Brianna and Roger come to a decision

That night, before bed, Roger and Brianna, armed with the knowledge that Jeremiah can make the journey through the stones, make their decision. They’re going to return to their time within the month. However, Brianne wants to tell everyone they know goodbye and tell them that Roger had been accepted to teach at a University in Boston.

Lord John comes to Visit

Meanwhile, as their final month with Brianna and Roger races by, Lord John Grey visits to tell Jamie he’s heading back to Helwater. Lord Dunsany (Grandfather of William) has died which will make young William heir, when he comes of age. Later, Jamie also suggests that John bring Ulysses with him. This is because after killing Forbes last episode, Jocasta’s right-hand man can’t stay in the area. The irony is that Jacosta had granted Ulysses his freedom long ago. And in an even more ironical bent, it was Forbes who had drawn and signed the paperwork.

However, despite being given his freedom, Ulysses had decided to stay with Jacosta. Even if it still appeared to be in servitude. It’s obvious the man loves Jocasta. But since he must leave, going with Lord John will allow him his freedom, once they get to London.

In addition, John had brought Jamie a current picture of young William. Jamie marveled how good looking the boy was. John remarked how much he looked like Jamie. In fact, how much both Brianne and William looked like him. In looks and temperment, they are no doubt, his children. And while John laments leaving Virginia, his looks at Jamie signifies he will miss something, or someone else more.

The Sad Goodbyes

The day that Jamie and Claire has been dreading since they found out Roger and Brianne’s decision is approaching.  They continue to tell everyone they’re going to Boston. Marsali is very sad since she considers Brianna like a sister. That and she’s pregnant again. Can’t she and Fergus find something ELSE to do with their free time, besides procreating?

Her “servant” Lizzie assumes she’ll travel with Roger and Brianne. But she is devastated when Bree informs her that she cannot go with them. At first, Lizzie assumes that it is only temporary and she would join them later. But Bree explains that she needs her to stay and look after Claire and Jamie on her behalf. She reluctantly agrees, telling Bree she will never forget her. Bree returns that sentiment.

Introducing a New Brother

Jamie decides to show Bree the portrait of Willie and inform her he is her brother. Bree looks stunned as he tells her the whole story. She will go back knowing she’s has a half-brother she never knew about. Jamie wanted her to know that she had more of her blood around besides Claire and him. He also suggested she look Willie up once she returns. William is of a noble house. He would probably be easy to find information on. Before they leave, Claire serves the family her promised peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She described them as her version of “journey cakes.” Jamie used a knife and fork and questioned if peanut butter should be eaten. He thinks it might serve better as a glue. Bohemian.

Dr. Rawling’s Returns

Meanwhile, Lionel Brown returns bringing his wife Rose to see Claire. After examining her, she finds that her wrist has been broken. Noticing how reticent Rose is to talk in front of Lionel, Claire sends him off to get some of Jamie’s whiskey to make a tonic. After he leaves the room. Rose confirms that he broke it when she didn’t want to have sex with him. And while she realizes that it is supposedly her wifely duty, she doesn’t want to get pregnant. She also reveals that she has been following Dr. Rawlings’ advice (a pseudo-name Claire made up to get her ideas to be accepted) about contraception. Unfortunately, when Lionel had returned, he noticed Claire’s medical bag with the name Dr. Rawlings on it. He immediately gathered Rose and told Claire that her tonic would not be required. As he left, Jamie informed him he had made his decision about the “safety committee” and declined to join.

Return to the Stones

The day has arrived. Rogers asks Ian to accompany Brianna, Jeremiah and him to the stones. He also gives him a deed to their land. This was the property that Governor Tryon had given them when Roger was accidentally hung. He declined the offer but Roger then asked him to take care of the land for them…and do with it what you will. Still sounds like giving him the land to me.

Once they arrived at the stones, they tried to make sure they stayed together in the journey. They gathered Jeremiah between them and Roger secured a rope around them. Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times and wait for a complete stop before exiting. They then made sure Jeremiah hung on to his stone tightly hold as they placed their hands on the stones. Before you can say Harry Houdini (or which ever magician you prefer) they have disappeared. Ian is stunned and places his hands on the stone…and nothing happens. But there was no doubt, Bree, Roger and Jem were gone.

The scene next cuts to the family laying on the ground. They are together as they planned. However, they are disoriented and slightly confused. Then Roger apparently sees something in the distance. Whatever it is, it is not what he expected. He exclaims, “What the devil?” And… nothing else. We have no idea what he sees or if something went awry. Maybe we’ll find out in the season finale…or maybe not,

Claire is gone

Because there is more going on. Two weeks later, an explosion off in the distance (presumably at their still) sends all of the settlement’s men running to see what’s happened. This was apparently a ruse as when Claire and Marsali are alone, Lionel Brown and his men come a calling. They stab a patient and hit Marsali, knocking her unconscious. The men then proceed to start tearing the surgery apart. Fortunately, Marsali had the forethought to tell little Germain to hide under a bed. and stay there. The men then throw a bag over Claire’s head, pick her up and leave. Leaving little Germain alone with his mother.

Jamie & his men return home at dusk. They find little Germain outside alone. Fergus asks him why he is still outside and he informs him that his mom won’t wake up. When asked where Claire was, he said, “The bad man took Grandmama.” Jamie and Fergus race inside surgery to find Marsali is still out, but she’s breathing. As for Claire, she is gone! Jamie calls out for Claire, getting more frantic with each passing second. He grabs a torch and runs up to the bluff where the cross pyre stands. He had promised (Season 5, Episode One, “The Fiery across”) he would never light it unless a war was imminent. For Jamie, the loss of Claire is as imminent as it gets as the episode ends.


This episode lightened up on the drama, at least until the closing part. Instead it was focused on the departure of Roger and Bree and the relationships they have built in their relatively short time there. Their departure effects more than just Claire and Jamie. Marsali, Lizzie, and even Lord John will miss them, especially Bree. In addition, young Ian has been given the gift (or curse) of knowing about the time travel elements and the results of them. One of the positive sides of this discovery was a bit more of Ian’s story was revealed. Some day we will know what happened to Ian and his wife. Sounds like it might be sad.

Roger, Bree and Jeremiah went Where?

But in the meantime, Roger and Bree have went somewhere. From Rogers reaction, it might not have been where they had assumed they would end up. So what happened? Just a thought…the original stones that Claire, Bree, and Roger went through in Scotland are basically undisturbed. They are a tourist attraction in the future. But they went through the stones in America. What are those stones situation? Have they been knocked down? Has a Zoo or a wildlife preserve made use of them? Just trying to figure out what Roger saw to make him go “What the Devil?!” I guess we’ll eventually find out.

The Call to Arms

The ending was when the spit hit the fan. They have done pissed off Jamie now. And he will be bringing a bunch of angry settlers and Scotsmen with him. Not sure if the Brown clan is ready for this. Might have been better if Lionel, Richard, and the other descendants of Charlie Brown had left well enough alone. They’re going to have more than a pulled away football to worry about. They have an angry Scott! While this episode wasn’t quite the drama fest the last three have been, it sets up the season finale nicely. The ending pulled things into relief. Still, even without the intensity of the previous episodes, it sits nicely in 8 of 10 range.

Have you been following the saga of Claire and Jamie? If not, you should. With season 5 coming to a close, that gives them 5 out of 5 seasons that are worth watching. After next week, you will have ample opportunity to catch up. If you have watched thus far, how did you like “JourneyCakes?” Share your feelings about things with us at Geek Vibes Nation.

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