Throwback Thursday Movie Review: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

 “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”

Even if you’ve never seen Star Wars, you are familiar with the long-standing opening crawl. It remains fixated on the screen and the Star Wars logo shrinks to a central point. There is something comforting about seeing this opening crawl featured at the beginning of each of the main Star Wars films.

When I was approached to do a Throwback Thursday movie review my ears started ringing: “Sure, I’d love to, and I love that idea.” My wheels started rolling and I asked my hubby, “what should I review first?” He replied,” What’s the first movie you saw on the big screen?” Of course, the magical film that kicked off my love of movies was Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.

My First Viewing

A long time ago in my hometown – now far, far away – the theater was packed. I sat between my dad and my cousin Brian, with my Uncle Jim alongside him. Both my dad and uncle have been lifelong movie lovers. Actually, you could say my whole family has been. Up until COVID, my dad and his siblings, now all retired, would meet at the local theatre on Fridays. Five bucks for seniors and they can catch a second movie if that theater isn’t full. $5 for two movies! My family has instilled that love in the younger generations.

An Iconic Franchise

Star Wars is the most iconic film ever, as it was the beginning of one of the most consistent and beloved franchises cinema has ever seen. The film has a fabulous plot and the opening scene with the Star Destroyer attacking the small rebel vessel blew me away. From the bright green laser bolts to the color and texture of the planet Tatooine, every bit of detail was not just amazing but perfect. The groundbreaking visual effects displayed were nothing we ever dreamed of seeing then. The best way to describe seeing Star Wars for the first time in 1977 is to watch an episode of That’s 70’s Show from the debut season appropriately called “A New Hope.” That was the look on everyone’s face in that packed theater. Just all of us in awe, eyes wide open and bright. We were hooked.

Borrowing from different established elements such as Akira Kurosawa and weaving them together, Lucas gave the world a fresh new story that popularized science fiction like never before. The film was a marvel of special effects. George didn’t just give us special effects. He also introduced us to some of the cinemas most iconic characters including Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Princess Leia ( Carrie Fisher), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness), C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing) and fan-favorite Darth Vader (David Prowse/James Earl Jones). These characters now come in everything from action figures to Funko Pop and even Pez candy.

My personal favorite is Yoda / The Child of which, yes, I have my own doll.

A Legendary Soundtrack

Let’s talk about the soundtrack! That unforgettable score played throughout the film is extraordinary and gives me goosebumps unlike any other. On the recommendation of his friend Steven Spielberg, Lucas hired composer John Williams. He had worked with Spielberg on the film Jaws, for which he won an Academy Award. The soaring Star Wars theme was inspired by 1942’s Kings Row, scored by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Star Wars rightfully went on to win Best Original Score from the Golden Globes and the Oscar.

A Masterpiece

The practical effects for its time are outstanding, and the performances had us on the edge of our seats. The cast was definitely talented with their natural charisma carrying over into the characters. The classic film connects to the lives of many millions of people in ways other movies cannot. The film is a classic that every new generation of people should see, however people often take it for granted due to how ubiquitous it is. Set aside the fame for a bit and really take in what this film has to offer. There is nothing more I can say except it is a masterpiece.

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