Tom Hardy Considering Retiring From Acting?

Tom Hardy is one of the finest actors of our day. There is simply nothing that Hardy steps into that he doesn’t fully dive in. Christopher Nolan, who has featured Hardy in a number of his films, expressed that what Hardy can do with one eye is more acting than most can do with their entire facial features. Hardy is starring in the upcoming Venom movie, presented by Sony; but honestly, his filmography and accomplishments are so long, you need to just go to his Wikipedia page and then proceed to watch everything he’s been in.

With Tom Hardy regarded as one of the greatest actors today, the idea of him not being in any more projects is something we couldn’t even fathom. Unfortunately, the time may be coming for him. As someone who puts a lot of time and energy into movies and television shows and seems to be doing more and frequently, it’s easy for an actor to feel beat down. Even for us who are not in Hollywood, we all experience burnout from our jobs and we feel like we need a vacation to get away from everything for a while.

In an interview with Esquire, Hardy explained how acting felt like a climb up a mountain:

“You’ve summited Everest. It’s a miracle that you’ve made it anywhere near the f–king mountain, let alone climbed it. Do you want to go all the way back and do it again? Or do you want to get off the mountain and go f–king find a beach? What is it that draws you to the craft? At this age, I don’t know anymore. I’ve kind of had enough. If I’m being brutally honest, I want to go on with my life.”

It’s definitely sounding like Hardy could use a beer and a long break. I don’t blame him, personally; playing dozens of different characters, memorizing lines, nailing down choreography, and the excessive traveling has to be tiring. If Tom Hardy doesn’t decide to take a break from acting, I hope it’s not a full-blown retirement and just a hiatus. In the meantime, we can all see Hardy give it his all as Eddie Brock in Venom, releasing October 5th.

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