U.S. Movie Theaters Hope to Reopen in July

There are no promises or definite answers when it comes to the movie theaters opening back up. U.S. operators do hope they can open their doors back up in late July so they can have a late summer movie season.

According to Reuters, operators are currently considering a transition period where some locations open up, rather than everywhere at once. This means that movie theaters will open where COVID-19 is receding faster than other areas. This transition period could start sometime in mid-June, according to Patrick Corcoran, who is the spokesman for the National Association of Theater Owners. Keep in mind that Corcoran calls this timeline “very tentative.”

“The timing will depend on guidance from health authorities.”

Not only are movie theaters uncertain as to when to open back up, but the other challenge is…what do they show? Bigger blockbusters that were supposed to be released at certain times have either stopped production or pushed their release date as far out as 2021.

Corcoran spoke:

“There are two schools of thought. People will be very tense and careful and nervous, or people will just be desperate to get out of the house. It’s going to probably be a mixture.”

Expect classic movies to show, or films that were playing in March, perhaps such as Bloodshot and other films which had very limited releases due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brock Bagdy, who is the executive vice president of the Missouri-based B&B Theaters; revealed what kind of movies his company will look to release during this time:

“We want the movies we bring back to bring joy to people.”

Another thing is cleanliness. How visible should extra cleaning steps be? Corcoran describes this as a delicate situation. As this situation develops, we will keep you informed.

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