Will We Finally Hear the Word ‘Batman’ in ‘Gotham’?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”1807″ img_size=”800×594″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded”][vc_column_text]There are only a few superheroes as iconic as Batman. From comics, to movies, to tv shows, everyone knows the caped crusader. Fox’s Gotham serves as a prequel to the well-known adventures of Bruce Wayne, featuring a young Master Wayne in a still villain filled city. With much of the earlier season focusing on Jim Gordon, David Mazouz teases that he might actually come to say ‘Batman’ in the final season.

Season five is Gotham’s final season, so it would be logical that the word Batman would finally be uttered. In the series, we’ve gotten a glimpse of plenty of well-known villains, as well as ones we weren’t all that familiar with. All this time, us wondering when we would get to see Bruce Wayne as we know.

According to Mazouz, Bruce will be dealing with a lot in the upcoming season. He will be seeing the truth behind Gotham and realize that although there are good people trying to do the good thing, it’s not only enough. After all, that’s what we know most about the city Gotham is that it is a place filled with eccentric criminals and they need someone like Batman to try to put them in their place.

“He’s going to look at people like Penguin, and look at people who are the roots of corruption and the roots of abuses of power and realize that only somebody like Batman can take them down. He’s going to become what he needs to become.”

Gotham will premiere its final season sometime in 2019.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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