Zack Snyder States That He Had Better Plans for Flashpoint

Zack Snyder’s plans for Justice League, according to his farewell message to Ben Affleck’s Batman; explored the possibility of his movie being better than Flashpoint; which was what the Flash’s solo movie was originally titled, though; no more.

There was a Flashpoint rumor that had suggested that Batffleck would have appeared in Flashpoint and as we know, Snyder and Affleck had great admiration for each other, something that probably would have continued if Snyder hadn’t left the DCEU.

“The was a time above…” Snyder writes, “a time before…there were perfect things…diamond absolutes. But things fail…things on earth. And what falls…is fallen. IN the dream, it took me to the light. A beautiful lie…Best Batman ever. Thank you my friend for blessing me with that f***ing glorious chin and an amazing hart.”

Would you have wanted to see Snyder’s Flashpoint and what are your thoughts of Armie Hammer possibly becoming Batman?

Source: CB

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