‘Alita Battle Angel’ Producer Proclaims His Desire For A Sequel

Snyder Cut proves it can be done

If the announcement of Zack Snyder’s “Snyder Cut” being released in some form on HBO Max, shows fans anything, it’s the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Fans have been diligent to push through Snyder’s vision of the Justice League and their efforts will finally be rewarded in 2021. With that in mind, another group of strong willed fans are attempting to get another film willed into existence. That would be a sequel to the anime adaptation of Alita Battle Angel. While the film didn’t crush it at the box office, it did do well enough that a sequel might be justified. The problem is that when Disney purchased Fox, they also assumed the rights to Alita. And that means a sequel to the film is not on Disney’s have to list. Especially with so many Marvel movies and other projects taking precedence.

The Alita Army

This doesn’t mean that the Alita Army, as their hard core fans have dubbed themselves, have given up the fight. In fact, with the success of the Snyder Cut campaign, they are more motivated than ever to get this mission completed. And now you can add Alita Battle Angel’s producer Jon Landau amongst those pushing for a sequel. He made his thoughts clear on recent Instagram post.  Landau was multitasking as he was thanking the support of the Alita Army, while spreading the good word of hand washing during the CV-19 pandemic. All of this while his shirt asked for a sequel as seen below.

This should no doubt serve as more incentive for the Alita Army to continue the push for the sequel. If the Snyder Cut success wasn’t enough motivation. For those of you who have watched Alita Battle Angel, is it worthy of a sequel? I believe that it is. Now if only Disney will see that too. Share your thoughts about a possible Alita Sequel with us at Geek Vibes Nation.

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