AMC Reveals Plans For 3 ‘Walking Dead’ Films

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In the category of you can’t keep a good man down, right after Andrew Lincoln made his last appearance on The Walking Dead, AMC has announced that three theatrical length films are being planned for the network with Andrew Lincoln reprising his role as Rick Grimes. Content chief Scott M. Gimple spoke recently with The Hollywood Reporter about his larger plan for the franchise and how they involves Lincoln. (Spoiler alert)

The story of Rick will go on in films. Right now, we’re working on three but there’s flexibility in that. … Over the next several years, we’re going to be doing specials, new series are quite a possibility, high-quality digital content and then some content that defies description at the moment. We’re going to dig into the past and see old characters. We’re going to introduce new characters and new situations. Rick Grimes is an amazing character and Andy has done an amazing performance. There were story ideas brewing that, as the years went on, seemed very compatible with continuing to tell the Rick story in another format that would allow him time with his family.

How does the idea of a Walking Dead feature length film (let alone three of them) sound to you? Do you want to see more of Rick Grimes? Share your feelings about it all with GVNation.


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