Andrew Lincoln’s Exit Could Mirror This End From ‘The Walking Dead’ Comics



In case you haven’t been keeping up with news surrounding The Walking Dead, Andrew Lincoln will be leaving the long-running AMC show during its ninth season. Due to wanting to be closer to his family, Lincoln will depart and therefore, we will be saying goodbye to Rick Grimes. Although the show has branched out and its focus on other characters are at times even more interesting than the main character’s journey, it still will be a stark change to see a world where there is no longer Rick Grimes leading Alexandria.

New showrunner Angela Kang compared Rick’s exit to Andrea’s death, in the comics. While I know none of us were too big of fans of hers in the show, her character took on much more of a stronger role in the comics, becoming Rick’s confidant and lover. Her death recently was felt by every reader and the surprise and emptiness now left in her absence, is very much what we’ll expect with Lincoln’s exit in the show:

“I think in some ways I just had to think of – okay, if I had to write the series finale for this character or, you know, just like a finale for this character, because in the comic books there are also some major exits. So kind of the closest analog we can think of, in terms of impact, of the characters that left in the comic, was when Andrea died in the comic. That was sort of this huge momentous death of a very, very long-running character arc. And so, we were just looking for inspiration in that. Like, how do you create a story that feels like it has its own arc while also at the same time creating the seeds for the episodes that follow, since, obviously, it’s not the end of the series – and there’s so much more story to tell.”

The Walking Dead returns this Sunday on October 7th.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”7427″ img_size=”620×946″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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