Apex Legends Gets Hit With a Huge Cheaters Ban On PC

Respawn Entertainment, developers of Apex Legends recently revealed in a Reddit post that as of March 8th close to 355,000 players have been banned on PC due to cheating and they have no intention of easing up on any potential cheaters still out there.

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This was achieved due to the use of Easy Anti-Cheat, an anti-cheat system on PC which makes use of both client and server-side analysis to allow for quicker cheat detection. Whilst the numbers clearly show the method is working Respawn themselves admit that “The fight against cheaters is an ongoing war.” “We’ll need to continue to adapt to and be very vigilant about fighting [cheaters]. We take cheating very seriously and care deeply about the health of Apex Legends for all players.”

Respawn have some more tactics tucked away for their fight against cheaters stating “We are working on improvements to combat cheaters and we’re going to have to be pretty secretive about our plans. Cheaters are crafty and we don’t want them to see us coming.” Even with their plans being kept under wraps they did lets us into some of their upcoming changes including them:

  • “Reaching out and working directly with experts, both within and outside of EA, in this area that we can learn from.

  • Scaling up our anti-cheat team so we have more dedicated resources.

  • We are adding a report feature on PC to report cheaters in game that goes directly to Easy-Anti-Cheat.”

Aside from dealing with cheaters the Reddit post also gave us some glimpses into other issues the Respawn team are looking into. They announced they are looking into dealing with players who spam during the character select screen and then disconnect shortly after the match starts as well as handling crashes for PC and trying to improve slow server performance at the start of matches. Whilst all of these issues are being worked on none are currently finished with the team promising more update as the weeks go on.

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Have you been experiencing any connection issues if you play on PC? let us know over on Twitter.

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